Landscapes in Transition: Looking to the Past to Adapt to the Future

2025 Conference on Historical and Underwater Archaeology
January 8-11, 2025

New Orleans Marriott 
New Orleans, Louisiana

SHA 2025 Conference Call for Papers

SHA 2025 Conference Preliminary Program

Conference registration is open October 1, 2024 through December 15, 2024 at

If you have questions on the SHA 2025 Conference, please contact the
Program Chairs at or SHA Headquarters at


Conference Code of Conduct



The Society for Historical Archaeology is committed to providing a safe, respectful environment for all attendees at its conferences.  To that end, the SHA will work to provide a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, age, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, race, ethnicity, religion (or lack thereof), or any other category.  The SHA will not tolerate harassment in any form at any SHA-sponsored events.  This policy applies to all SHA members and non-members who participate in an SHA activity.


Harassment includes offensive comments or behavior related to gender, gender identity and expression, age, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, religion, technology choices, sexual images in public space, deliberate intimidation, stalking, following, harassing photography or recording, sustained disruption of talks or other events, inappropriate physical contact, and unwelcome sexual attention.  Outside of research presentations that include specific considerations of sexuality or sexual representations in the past, sexual language and imagery is not appropriate for any conference venue, including talks, workshops, parties, social media and other online media.

Harassment under this Policy refers to any behavior by an individual or group that contributes to a hostile, intimidating and/or unwelcoming environment.  Such conduct is harmful, disrespectful, and unprofessional. 


All participants and attendees at the conference accept the obligation to treat everyone with respect and civility and to uphold the rights of all participants and attendees, including SHA staff, temporary staff, contractors, volunteers and hotel staff, to be free from harassment.

Attendees are bound by the SHA Ethics Principles, the SHA Sexual Harassment and Discrimination Policy, and this Conference Code of Conduct.  Attendees should also be aware that they are also bound by the codes of conduct at their home institution(s).  This policy, which is consistent with the professional ethics statement of the SHA, does not supersede institutional codes but is intended to reinforce their message.

By obtaining SHA membership, registering to present or attend SHA meetings, members and participants commit to maintaining respectful and ethical relationships in accordance with this policy.  The SHA reserves the right to remove an individual violating this policy from the SHA annual conference without warning or refund and prohibit attendance at future SHA conferences and/or activities.

Should the SHA have concerns regarding an individual’s attendance at its conference creating a safety issue, the SHA can bar the individual from registering and attending the conference. In the case of proven violations that took place prior to the annual meeting and that have been reported and documented prior to pre-registration, proven harassers/assailants will be barred from participation.  Late and on-site registrations will be rescinded immediately should information be received documenting a proven violation.  The SHA will not conduct its own investigation but will accept the investigations of law enforcement agencies, RPA, universities, EEOC and employers.  Documented harassers/assailants should be identified to SHA staff or leadership by survivors or other reporters as early as possible.  Identification with documentation of adjudication needs to be provided to bar participation in SHA events. 


Conference attendees, who experience or witness harassment as defined by this policy, or who are aware that a conference participant is currently or has been sanctioned for assault or harassment by an adjudicating body and can provide documentation of the outcome, are encouraged to contact one of the following:

  1. SHA Executive Director directly at 240-753-4397;
  2. A member of the SHA Board of Directors ; or
  3. A member SHA Code of Conduct Committee, whose name and contact information are listed at the end of this document.

These individuals will provide appropriate support to those who witnessed or who have experienced harassment or feel unsafe for any reason at the conference.  The Executive Director or a member of the SHA Code of Conduct Committee will advise on the formal complaints process and, if requested, forward complaints to the full SHA Code of Conduct Committee for resolution. 

Formal complaints should be as specific as possible about how alleged behavior constitutes harassment, as defined in this SHA policy.   Any report received will remain confidential to the maximum extent possible when the SHA Code of Conduct Committee considers and investigates the complaint. 

About New Orleans

The SHA 2025 Conference on Historical and Underwater Archaeology Committee invites you to New Orleans, Louisiana,
for the annual historical and underwater archaeology conference. The 2025 SHA conference will be held at the New Orleans
Marriott on Canal Street, located at the edge of the historic Vieux Carré/French Quarter. The conference hotel’s ideal
location at the edge of the city’s crown jewel provides direct access to a world-class gastronomic experience, an eclectic art
scene, distinctive architecture, historic and culturally significant neighborhoods, diverse music, and exciting nightlife. Enjoy
Frenchman Street in the Faubourg Marigny, where the locals hang out, or stroll through the French Market and enjoy
beignets and coffee at Café Du Monde in the Vieux Carré. Arrive before the conference begins to ring in the new year, stay
through the conference, and enjoy the first parades of the 2025 Mardi Gras season. Whether this will be your first time visiting
or you have walked the city’s storied streets multiple times, all will agree that New Orleans is like no other city!

For thousands of years Native American peoples occupied the crescent-shaped landmass adjacent to the Mississippi River
that would become New Orleans. When the French arrived in 1718, they encountered the Choctaw nation, who referred to
this location along the river as “Bulbancha,” or the Land of Many Tongues, a direct reference to the multitribal nature of this
location where fishing, hunting, and trading took place. The land mass was ideal for these purposes, because it is situated
along a natural levee further elevated by the many middens created by discarded oyster shells and sediment deposits from
thousands of years of occupation. Easy access to Lake Pontchartrain and proximity to the Gulf of Mexico made Bulbancha
an attractive location for the eventual settlement of Europeans. Today, New Orleans maintains its multicultural identity
with African American, Cajun, Creole, French, German, Spanish, Irish, Italian, Jewish, and Native American influences,
defining it as one of the most historically and culturally important places in the United States.

Today, however, the historical, archaeological, and even cultural milieu of New Orleans is directly threatened by the ongoing
global climate crisis with increasing average temperatures, rising sea levels, intensifying storms, extreme rain events,
tornadoes, and other phenomena directly linked to anthropogenic influences on our planet’s climate. The SHA 2025 Conference Committee encourages the membership to explore the effects of climate change and the impacts on historic and
underwater archaeological sites—a theme extending beyond New Orleans and the U.S. Gulf South. We encourage the
membership to be creative and consider integrating climate-related issues and themes in imaginative ways, from how our
discipline addresses climate change to how these changes influence our interpretations of archaeological sites, assemblages,
and past human behavior. While the aim of the 2025 conference and theme is not to solve the current climate crisis, we feel
that this is the right time and appropriate platform to continue to raise awareness. The presentation of research and discussion will further facilitate understanding of climate change and its impacts on historic places and landscapes, which may
aid in enhancing the future resiliency of places like New Orleans for later generations to learn from and enjoy.

Conference Committee

Conference Co-Chairs: Christopher Horrell (Submerged Archaeological Conservancy International) and Melanie Damour
(Bureau of Ocean Energy Management)
Program Co-Chairs: Dave Ball (Bureau of Ocean Energy Management) and Jeneva Wright (Bureau of Ocean Energy Management)
Underwater Co-Chairs: Della Scott Ireton (Florida Public Archaeology Network) and Doug Jones (Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement)
Terrestrial Co-Chairs: Rachel Watson (Louisiana Division of Archaeology) and Brad Jones (Texas Historical Commission)
Popular Program Directors: Abigail Bleichner (Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency) and Maegan Smith (Louisiana Division
of Archaeology)
Local Arrangements Chair/Tour and Events Director: Barry Bleichner (Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement)
Volunteer Directors: Sadie Schoeffler Whitehurst (Louisiana Division of Archaeology) and Sarah Linden (Texas Historical
Fundraising/Partnership Liaison: Abigail Bleichner (Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency)
Workshops Director: Jade Luiz (Metropolitan State University of Denver)

Call for Papers

Download the SHA 2025 Conference Call for Papers

There are two important changes to the Call for Papers for the 2025 Conference, as follows:

  1. OPEN vs. CLOSED SYMPOSIA. Symposium organizers can choose whether their session is “open” to additional presenters in the session or “closed” to additional presenters. Organizers will need to indicate this when they submit their session. For OPEN symposia, the title, abstract and organizer contact information will be posted to the SHA Conference page at Individuals interested in submitting their paper to a particular “open” symposium must contact the organizer to request permission to submit to the session prior to submitting their abstract. The Conference Program Committee may also assign relevant general submissions to an open symposium, subject to the approval of the organizers. For CLOSED symposia, only presenters identified by the organizer at the time the session abstract is submitted will present in that session.
  2. IN-PERSON vs. PRE-RECORDED PRESENTATION. You will be asked to indicate whether you will be presenting your paper/session in person at the conference in Oakland or whether you wish to pre-record your paper/session and have it uploaded to a website platform for viewing by conference registrants. All forum and poster presentations must be in-person. It is at the discretion of a symposium organizer or general submission paper author as to whether their contribution is pre-recorded or in-person, but there will be no mixing and matching of formats within a session. This means that all papers in an in-person symposium must be presented by an individual in Oakland; no pre-recorded presentations will be permitted for in-person symposia (or vice versa). All pre-recorded papers and sessions will be uploaded to the virtual conference website (see and included in the conference program.

Submit your abstract at:

For questions on the Call for Papers, contact the 2025 Program Chairs at

Conference Venue and Hotel Information


All conference sessions will be held at the New Orleans Marriott at 555 Canal Street. The 41-story conference hotel offers rooms with spectacular  Mississippi River and city views. Located in the French Quarter, the hotel is steps away from many iconic dining and entertainment options and features two on-site restaurants: 5Fifty5 and 55 Fahrenheit. SHA has reserved a limited number of rooms for the conference at a rate of US$179.00 per night (plus tax) for single or double occupancy. Subject to the availability of rooms in the SHA block, this rate will be available from 2 January to 14 January 2025, and will expire if not booked before 16 December 2024. Please note that any changes in departure date made after check-in may result in an early departure fee.

Reserve your room at the New Orleans Marriott at


The support of our conference sponsors is vitally important to the success of the SHA annual conference, allowing us to keep conference registration affordable and encourage maximum participation.  With several sponsorship levels and activities, you can tailor your sponsorship in a variety of ways, and if you have other sponsorship ideas, we’d love to discuss them with you.  If you have an idea, please contact SHA Headquarters ( to start the discussions.

Download the SHA 2025 Sponsorship Form.

Student Travel Awards

The SHA and ACUA offer a number of travel awards to assist students in offsetting the costs of attending the conference.  These awards include the Ed and Judy Jelks Student Travel Award, the Harriet Tubman Student Travel Award, the Robert L. Schuyler Student Travel Awards, and the ACUA George Fischer Student Travel Award.  Application details for each award can be found on the SHA website at:

Student Volunteers

Student volunteers are essential to the smooth operation of an SHA Conference.  By assisting with a variety of duties – from registration and Book Room set-up to the special events and the sessions themselves – volunteers are a key component of the Conference’s smooth operation.

If you are a current student and interested in volunteering for the SHA 2025 Conference in New Orleans, please complete the Volunteer Form and conference registration form and return the completed forms to by December 1, 2024.  You will be contacted by the Volunteer Coordinator regarding your volunteer assignment prior to the 2024 Conference,

SHA 2025 Conference Student Volunteer Form

SHA 2025 Conference Registration Form FILLABLE

Book Room Exhibitor Prospectus

The SHA 2025 Conference will feature a Book Room with exhibits of products, services, and publications from companies and other organizations in the archaeological community. The SHA welcomes exhibitors, who share its mission and agree with its Ethics Principles, the SHA Sexual Harassment and Discrimination Policy, and its Conference Code of Conduct, at the 2025 Conference on Historical and Underwater Archaeology, January 8-11, 2025 in New Orleans, Louisiana.

Download the SHA 2025 Conference Exhibitor Prospectus here.

Conference Program Advertising

If you are interested in placing an advertisement in the SHA 2025 Conference program, please download the advertising contract below and submit to by November 8, 2024.

2025 Advertising Contract

Open Symposia

In keeping with the successful 2023 and 2024 conference formats, symposium organizers can now choose whether their symposium is closed or open to other submissions. If a session is designated as ‘open’ by the symposium organizer, then other authors can submit individual papers to that session once approval has been given by the symposium organizer; the 2025 program committee may also direct appropriate papers to the session. Additional papers will be subject to approval by the symposium organizer. Please contact the symposium organizer directly by email before submitting your abstract to an open symposium.

Title: Statuary and Memorial Commemoration of Minorities–Why They are Missing: Challenges and Controversiesof Memory and Tradition
Organizers: John Jameson (, Sherene Baugher (, and Fay Stevens (
Abstract: Recently, statuary and memorial commemoration of minorities have been accompanied by challenges and controversies, including debates over the removal, relocation, or contextualization of statues and monuments deemed offensive or inappropriate. These narratives reflect changing cultural and societal factors that determine the nature of remembering according to traditions, values, and experiences. Critics argue that many existing statues perpetuate harmful narratives, glorify oppression, or fail to adequately represent the diversity and pluralism of American history and society. Recent movements, such as Black Lives Matter, have intensified calls for the reevaluation of public statuary and the creation of more inclusive and representative memorials in public spaces. Growing recognition of the importance of diversity has led to the creation of new statues and monuments that honor the contributions of minority communities and address historical injustices to African Americans, Native American, Asian Americans, Latino and Hispanic Americans, the LGBTQ+ community, women, and other minorities.

Title: Can We Co-Create an Intersectional Feminist Maritime Archaeology? Maritime Archaeology and Gender Diversity
Organizer: Megan C. Crutcher ( (NOTE: This session is now a FORUM.  If you are interested in participating, please contact the Organizer directly.)
Abstract: A Google Scholar search for “feminist maritime archaeology” yields zero results. While women archaeologists have blazed trails in maritime, nautical, and underwater archaeology, these fields have often seemed to lag behind other subfields’ analyses of gender. We are still advocating for the idea that women were present aboard ships in the past, and the maritime domain has been assumed to be predominantly male–in history and in practice. In archaeological practice, we know that gender-based harassment, exclusion, and other issues are common, especially for those with intersecting minoritized and racialized identities (Brami et al. 2022; Coltofean-Arizancu et al. 2023; Cook 2019; Overholtzer et al. 2021; Voss 2023). This panel unites a diverse range of scholars, students, and practitioners in maritime archaeology to analyze our global maritime past with a critical and intersectional lens on gender. We aim to encourage people of all genders to commit to a more feminist maritime archaeology.

Title: The Ecology of Underwater Cultural Heritage: From Microbial Communities to Macrofauna
Organizers: Melanie Damour (, Alicia Caporaso (, Calvin Mires (
Abstract: Underwater Cultural Heritage (UCH) provides a unique opportunity for exploring how the human-built environment influences benthic ecology and how biological communities, in turn, affect UCH in the marine environment. Archaeological site formation processes are coupled with the development of microbial communities, recruitment of benthic invertebrates and fish, and community succession. Microorganisms (e.g., bacteria, archaea, and fungi) are the first to colonize UCH, provide chemical cues that the structure is suitable for habitation, and serve as sentinels for long-term monitoring of site preservation and ecosystem health. UCH provides hardbottom habitat suitable for colonization by macrofauna (corals, etc.) and may serve as “stepping-stones” that facilitate dispersal of organisms between habitats in ways that differ from natural substrates. Papers in this session feature interdisciplinary research that focuses on the ecology of UCH from baseline ecological characterizations to understanding impacts from environmental disasters.

Title: Public Archaeology and CRM in Louisiana: Making Historical Archaeology Matter
Organizers: Mark A. Rees (, Steven Filoromo (, Sadie Whitehurst (
Abstract: There is no timelier theme for Louisiana than landscapes in transition. Louisiana has lost an estimated 2,000 square miles due to coastal erosion and stands to lose considerably more from relative sea level rise. Archaeological sites throughout the state are at risk from anthropogenic and environmental processes that increasingly effect landscapes, places, and heritage. Archaeologists are working in contexts involving landscapes in transition, population displacement, environmental degradation, and climate change. This involves industrial and urban development, resource extraction, coastal restoration and protection, and cultural resource management. These transitions can be traced to power relations in the modern world and contemporary past. This symposium is focused on how archaeologists in Louisiana can study and advance an understanding of connections between landscapes in transition, people, and place. Making historical archaeology matter means addressing the intersections of heritage at risk and restorative, environmental justice through collaborative archaeology, community engagement, public outreach, and education.

Title: Breaking Free from the (Institutional) Matrix: Archaeological Career Pathways In and Between Academia, CRM, Non-Profit, and Museum Spheres
Organizers: Kimberly Kasper (, Claire Norton (, Katharine Reinhart (
Abstract: In recent years, the discipline of historical archaeology has made concerted efforts to break down both perceived and real boundaries that have been built between academic, cultural resource/heritage management, non-profit, and museum spheres. Yet, professionals from each of these archaeologically-based careers often feel siloed as they are encouraged by employers to focus their portfolios on increasingly specialized research, policy, teaching, and community engagements. Newly minted and established professionals are equally influenced by this institutional gatekeeping, as they make choices to either stay on a given trajectory or try to forge new pathways. This session seeks to highlight and offer guidance to historical archaeologists attempting to weave collaborative fluidity, methodological ingenuity, and interdisciplinary practices into the tapestry of their careers. The diverse and creative set of individuals presenting will unpack the complementary yet alternative steps they have taken to center the relevancy and purpose of archaeology in the 21st century.

Title: Community Centered Archaeology in Colorful Colorado
Organizers: Holly Norton ( ), Michelle Slaughter (
Abstract: In keeping with the Conference theme of “Landscapes in Transition: Looking to the Past to Adapt to the Future” this collection of papers discusses the ways that governments, non-profit, and CRM archaeologists directly center contemporary communities in Colorado while striving to preserve and understand the past. As Colorado continues to experience a population explosion while also grappling with climate change and major economic shifts, the papers in this session illustrate how Colorado—a place where diverse cultures and traditions have collided for centuries–has grown and changed to become the state it is today. We posit that archaeology aids in creating a deeper public understanding of our place and our people.

Title: Understanding the Overseer
Organizer: Terry Brock (
Abstract: Over the past 40 years, archaeologists have conducted extensive archaeological research at plantation sites throughout the Americas. This work has explored the lives of enslavers and the people they enslaved, ranging from excavations of manor houses, outbuildings, formal gardens, dwellings of enslaved people, and the spaces in between. However, few archaeological analyses have looked at the lives of the overseer, despite their near ubiquitous role in plantation society, and an integral component as a part of the social, economic, and racial hierarchy that supported the institution of slavery. This symposium will bring together papers of discussing material analyses of the plantation overseer, with papers that address questions about both the overseer’s role on the plantation, the way they navigated their position, how material culture reflects the identities of themselves and their families, and how incorporating overseer stories impacts public interpretation.

Title: Well, Well, Well: Papers in honor of Judith A. Bense
Organizer: Jennifer Melcher ( )
Abstract: This symposium brings together former students and colleagues of Judith Bense from across academic institutions, cultural resource management, and public archaeology. With a career starting in a “walk-on” role as a contract archaeologist and anthropology professor at the University of West Florida through her time as university president Bense’s work covers many topics and time periods. Dr. Bense has used the field in her backyard of Pensacola to teach archaeological lessons ranging from public speaking and community engagement to politics, ethics, and contract work. While these papers feature current research in a range of areas and disciplines, they all reflect lessons learned through the lens of Benseian archaeology.

Title: The Living and the Dead: New Interpretations of Above- and Below-Ground Cultural Historical Archaeology
Organizers: Harold Mytum ( ), Richard Veit (
Abstract: New Orleans is famous for its historic cemeteries, so it is appropriate to consider new research in the cultural aspects of mortuary archaeology at this conference. This symposium brings together active CRM and academic researchers to share regional and national perspectives and methodologies related to the cultural aspects of mortuary culture (not human remains) above and below ground. Often augmented by documentary sources which provide both complementary and contrasting evidence to the material remains mortuary studies provide insights into personal and group identities, socio-cultural processes, and the practices of body management and disposal. Some burial grounds are forgotten, recovered through archaeological investigation, but others remain important in contemporary society, as with the New Orleans cemeteries. This symposium will offer those working on historic mortuary archaeology the opportunity to share experience and expertise so that this aspect of historical archaeology can continue to develop and contribute to wider debates.

Title: Mission San Antonio de Valero and the Alamo – A Construction History from Mission to Military Fortress, Texas, United States
Organizers: Rhiana D. Ward ( and Tiffany M. Lindley  (
Abstract: Mission San Antonio de Valero was the first Franciscan mission founded in the upper reaches of the San Antonio River basin in central Texas, United States. The mission occupied two localities before its final establishment on the east bank of the river in 1724. Over the course of nearly seven decades under the edicts of the Spanish Crown, the layout of the mission complex changed in size, configuration, and space utilization. Following secularization in 1793, the site continued to evolve as a military fortress, a battleground, and as public municipal space. Recently, multiple intensive archaeological investigations have been conducted at the designated UNESCO World Heritage site, and comprehensive revaluations of the mission-period records have been completed. This symposium will examine the architectural evolution and use of Mission San Antonio de Valero from its founding as a Franciscan mission to the current, renown historical site known as the Alamo.

Title: The Intersection Between Natural and Cultural Heritage and the Pressing Threats to Both
Organizer: Charlotte A. K. Jarvis (
Abstract: This symposium highlights the need for holistic management of natural and cultural heritage in
the face of threats posed by climate change or accelerated marine industrialisation. Case
studies focused on cultural heritage will illustrate how assessment of heritage value must now be combined with appreciation of the role of, for example, shipwrecks in creating and protecting biodiversity while, in some cases also posing a severe pollution threat. Terrestrial submissions are also welcome as collaboration between underwater and terrestrial archaeologists will be a key strategies facing threats to heritage going forward. New initiatives will be presented that will improve our ability to manage tangible and intangible heritage in a highly stressed ocean system in the context of urgency created by increasingly severe climate impact.

Title: Social Landscapes of Settler Colonialism in the Caribbean
Organizer: Kristen R. Fellows (
Abstract: Settler colonialism is often associated with land-grabs, extractive endeavors, genocide and displacement of Indigenous peoples, white supremacy, and the accumulation of power and wealth into relatively few hands. Throughout the Circum-Caribbean, settler colonialism dramatically changed the physical and social landscapes, but often manifested in ways that differed from what was happening in mainland North America. These deviations from the typical image of settler colonialism will be examined by papers in this session. Themes to be explored include the nuances of who benefitted from the exploitation of land, natural resources, and enslaved and coerced laborers; the roles played by middle management and the extent to which they benefitted from this system; and how local, regional, and global trade networks were implicated in these landscapes of power and wealth, among others. Taken together, contributions will offer a conversation on the tensions within the social landscapes of the colonial Caribbean and their effects.

Title: Landscapes of Care: Exploring Heart-centered Practice in Historical Archaeology
Organizer: Kisha Supernant ( )
Abstract: Recent exploration of heart-centered practice in archaeology highlights the importance of integrating care, emotion, and relational understanding into our study of the past. Historical archaeology provides an important context for such discussions due to its unique intersections of various forms of data. We invite scholars to engage with heart-centered practices in historical archaeology to inform both how we engage with the diverse lives of ancestors and how we shape our contemporary disciplinary spaces. Contributions may explore themes such as the emotional lives of past individuals, families, or communities, the ethical dimensions of archaeological practice, and the creation of inclusive and empathetic spaces within the discipline. By centering heart in our practice, we aim to deepen our understanding of the past, pursue a more ethical and just archaeology, and expand the ways we engage with our world today.

Title: The Conservation and Preservation of Archaeological Materials
Organizer: Chris Dostal ( )
Abstract: This session examines advanced methodologies and challenges in the conservation of archaeological materials from terrestrial and underwater sites. Contributions will address innovative conservation techniques, detailed case studies, and interdisciplinary approaches. The focus will be on recent advancements in preservation technologies and the adaptation of established methods to new contexts. By fostering scholarly dialogue, this session seeks to enhance the understanding of best practices and collaborative strategies essential for the preservation of our shared heritage, thereby shaping the future of archaeological conservation.

Title: In Times of War and Conflict: An Exploration of New Sites, Methodologies, and Interpretations at Sites of Conflict in the New England Region.
Organizer: Brenna E Pisanelli (
Abstract: Throughout the duration of the Contact and historical periods, New England was a major area for the convergence and collision of cultures which resulted in contested landscapes. Conflicts within the region reflected the evolving social, political, economic, and cultural landscapes and perspectives from the seventeenth through nineteenth centuries. The archaeological signatures of conflict provide physical evidence of relationships and events previously interpreted through the written record. These sites give researchers new lens to analyze the social, cultural, and psychological effects of rising animosities, “shared” spaces, and a growing multicultural and international population. In addition, the application of new technologies such as LiDAR, Ground Penetrating Radar, Magnetometry, Metal Detection, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle photography and 3D imagery provide valuable data for investigating the historical narratives associated with these sites. This session aims to illustrate the new methodologies and how they provide new interpretations for conflict sites within the New England region.

Title: Archaeology at an Atlantic Crossroads: Bermuda’s Smith’s Island Archaeology Project (SIAP), 2010-2024
Organizer: Michael J Jarvis
Abstract: Bermuda was a critical node in Atlantic and global expansion. Its shipwrecks and fortifications have been extensively studied but terrestrial archaeology has languished since 2012. This Symposium reports findings of SIAP, Bermuda’s longest-running and sole surviving field project which takes 60-acre Smith’s Island and adjoining waters as a unit of study. SIAP’s 25+ sites span 415 years, encompassing Bermuda’s founding (1610-1612) through agricultural, maritime, military, commercial, and industrial sites into the 1980s. Session papers cover SIAP’s 2010 creation as a holistic “amphibious” historioarchaeological study of multicultural creolization and ethnogenesis; our recent discovery of the 1612 Moore’s Town site, Bermuda’s first capital; analysis of 1610s earth-fast structures and early settlers’ remarkably durable cement-like daub; the Captain’s House (c1615-c1712) and kitchen site of enslavement; a quarantine site occupied during smallpox and yellow fever epidemics; and SIAP’s incorporation of Bermudians in studying their own past and training a rising generation of island archaeologists.

Title: Landscapes in Dispute, Territorial Futures: Restitution and Reparation in the Face of Enclosure, Industrialization, and Extractivism
Organizers: Daniella Jofre, Noah Pleshet
Abstract: We propose a critical discussion of marginalized territories and local populations disrupted by enclosure, industrialization, and extraction of resources (natural, cultural and/or epistemic). Using a perspective that merges historical archaeology, political history, sociocultural anthropology, and critical geography, we consider the historical origins of extractive industries and infrastructures and with their enduring legacies. We ask, how might frameworks of restitution and reparation apply to the territories and communities affected, as well as to the social and natural sciences which have both participated in acts of dispossession, and yet still offer possibilities for collaborative social action? We discuss a range of case studies from the Americas, moving beyond national boundaries and North/South divisions. The session includes global perspectives on imagined futures based on local agendas of Indigenous peoples, Afro-descendants, peasant communities, migrant workers, and social organizations. We trace critical histories of contested landscapes to articulate our human futures within wider nonhuman worlds.

Title: GPR Array Imaging and Mapping with Esri Field Maps of 18th Century Archaeological Sites
Organizer: Matthew Wolf
Abstract: A burgeoning movement is taking place in the geospatial world to further refine underground imaging. These advancements include the use of GPR arrays that provide unprecedented images of the subsurface very quickly with centimeter precision. Use of these systems is growing due to the images produced and the transposition of the images in the field to software such as Esri Field Maps. Archaeologists can now “walk” the image to its location in the field on a mobile device for immediate demarcation and/or test pits. These tools were used with remarkable results at an 18th century former plantation and other period sites in the historic Charleston, South Carolina area.

Title: Current Maritime Research in Saint Augustine, Florida
Organizer: Christopher M McCarron, Chuck T Meide
Abstract: Founded by the Spanish on the northeast coast of Florida in 1565, St. Augustine is the oldest continuously occupied European settlement and the oldest port in the United States. The year 2024 marked the 25th anniversary of the Lighthouse Archaeological Maritime Program, or LAMP, which is the research arm of the St. Augustine Lighthouse & Maritime Museum. Since its inception, LAMP has focused on discovering and documenting a wide variety of maritime archaeological resources in and around the nation’s oldest port. Current research includes an upcoming shipwreck survey of St. Augustine’s “back door,” the Matanzas Inlet; using geospatial and geomorphological analysis to aid the search for early Spanish shipwrecks offshore; underwater investigations along the waterfront of Fort Mose, America’s first free African-American settlement (1752-1763); and the investigation of a beached shipwreck believed to be Caroline Eddy, a lumber brigantine lost in 1880. This session summarizes these varied research projects.