J. C. Harrington Award in Historical Archaeology

Established in 1981, the J. C. Harrington Award is named in honor of Jean Carl Harrington (1901-1998), one of the pioneer founders of historical archaeology in North America. The award, which consists of an inscribed medal, is presented for a life-time of contributions to the discipline centered on scholarship. No more than one Harrington Medal is presented each year. In January 1982, at The Society for Historical Archaeology annual conference in Philadelphia, a special silver version of the medal was presented to J. C. Harrington when the award was publicly announced. All other Harrington Medals are struck in antique bronze.

Call for Nominations – J. C. Harrington Award

Previous Awardees

1983    Charles H. Fairbanks (Journal PDF)
1984    John L. Cotter (Journal PDF)
1985    Kenneth E. Kidd (Journal PDF)
1986    George I. Quimby (Journal PDF)
1987    Arthur Woodward * (Journal PDF) Stanley A. South (Journal PDF)
1988    Edward B. Jelks (Journal PDF)
1989    Bert Salwen * (Journal PDF) Carlyle Shreeve Smith(Journal PDF)
1991    Ivor Noël Hume (Journal PDF)
1993    Bernard L. Fontana (Journal PDF)
1995    Kathleen K. Gilmore (Journal PDF)
1997    James Deetz (Journal PDF)
1999    George F. Bass (Journal PDF)
2000    Roderick Sprague (Journal PDF)
2001    Roberta S. Greenwood (Journal PDF)
2002    Charles E. Cleland (Journal PDF)
2003    Merrick Posnansky (Journal PDF)
2004    Kathleen A. Deagan (Journal PDF)
2005    Marcel Moussette (Journal PDF)
2006    Donald L. Hardesty (Journal PDF)
2007    William Kelso (Journal PDF)
2008    James E. Ayres (Journal PDF)
2009    Robert L. Schuyler (Journal PDF)
2010    Judy Bense (Journal PDF)
2011    Pilar Luna Erreguerena (Journal PDF)
2012    George Miller (Journal PDF)
2013    Mary Beaudry (Journal PDF)
2014    Theresa A. Singleton (Journal PDF)
2015    Douglas D. Scott (Journal PDF)
2016    Mark P. Leone (Journal PDF)
2017    Leland Ferguson (Journal PDF)
2018    Julia A. King (Journal PDF)
2019    Charles E. Orser, Jr. (Journal PDF)
2020   Henry M. Miller (Journal PDF)
2022   Martha A. Zierden (Journal PDF)
2023   Julia G. Costello (Journal PDF)
2024  David G. Orr (Journal PDF)
           Paul R. Mullins*

* awarded posthumously

Carol V. Ruppé Distinguished Service Award

Created in 1988 and publicly announced in January 1990, this award is named in honor of Carol V. Ruppé in recognition of her long service to the society in creating and running The Society for Historical Archaeology Book Room at the annual conference. The Ruppé Award is internal to the society and honors individuals who have a record of sustained and truly outstanding service to The Society for Historical Archaeology. The award consists of an inscribed brass plaque mounted on a walnut base.

Previous Awardees

1994   Stephanie Holschlag Rodeffer (Journal PDF)
1998   Ronald L. Michael (Journal PDF)
2001   Norman F. Barka (Journal PDF)
2004   Roderick Sprague (Journal PDF)
2011   Vergil E. Noble (Journal PDF)
2013   Karlis Karklins (Journal PDF)
2014   James E. Ayres (Journal PDF)
2015   Patrick H. Garrow (Journal PDF)
2016   William Moss (Journal PDF)
2017   Annalies Corbin (Journal PDF)
2018   Alasdair Brooks (Journal PDF)
2020  Terry H. Klein (Journal PDF)
2022  William B. Lees (Journal PDF)
2024  Teresita Majewski (Journal PDF)

John L. Cotter Award

Established in 1998, this award is named in honor of John Lambert Cotter (1911-1999), a pioneer educator and advocate for the discipline. No more than one award is presented each year for outstanding achievement by an individual at the start of his/her career in historical archaeology.  The awardee may either be in training as an undergraduate or graduate student or a professional beginning their career.  The Cotter Award consists of a certificate under glass framed in a shadow box. A brass plate carrying an engraved image of John Cotter enhances the certificate.  Call for Nominations 2022 John L. Cotter Award

Previous Awardees

2000   Paul R. Mullins (Journal PDF)
2001   Audrey Horning (Journal PDF)
2002   Elizabeth J. Kellar (Journal PDF)
2003   Timothy J. Scarlett (Journal PDF)
2004   Annalies Corbin (Journal PDF)
2006   Timothy E. Baumann (Journal PDF)
2007   Carol McDavid (Journal PDF)
2008   Shannon Lee Dawdy (Journal PDF)
2009   Christopher C. Fennell (Journal PDF)
2011   Cheryl Janifer LaRoche (Journal PDF)
2012   James M. Davidson (Journal PDF)
2013   Sarah E.  Cowie (Journal PDF)
2014   Deirdre A. Kelleher (Journal PDF)
2015   Sandra Analía Guillermo (Journal PDF)
2016   Joseph M. Bagley (Journal PDF)
2017   Krysta Ryzewsk (Journal PDF)
2018   Lydia Wilson Marshal (Journal PDF)
2019   John M. Chenoweth (Journal PDF)
2020  Natascha Mehler (Journal PDF)
2021   Megan E. Springate (Journal PDF) 
2022   Alexandra C. Jones (Journal PDF)
2023   Edward González-Tennant (Journal PDF)
2024  Alicia Odewale (Journal PDF)

Daniel G. Roberts Award for Excellence in Public Historical Archaeology

Established in 2011 and first presented in 2012, the Daniel G. Roberts Award for Excellence in Public Historical Archaeology was created and endowed by the staff of John Milner Associates, Inc., to recognize and honor their colleague Daniel G. Roberts, one of the pioneers in public historical archaeology, particularly within a heritage management framework.  Public archaeology entails a commitment to broad dissemination of the lessons learned from archaeology and the importance of preserving the archaeological record.  The award recognizes outstanding, sustained accomplishments in public historical archaeology by individuals, educational institutions, for-profit or non-profit firms or organizations, museums, government agencies, and private sponsors.

Deadline for Nominations: November 1, 2024

Nominations consist of an essay (up to 1,500 words) detailing the nominee’s sustained commitment to broad dissemination of the lessons learned from historical archaeology, lessons that include the importance of preserving the archaeological record. At least two examples illustrating the nominee’s accomplishments (generally at a program level) must be provided in the essay and should be accompanied by captioned photographs and links to websites, news stories, blogs, publications, and other relevant information. The journal PDFs for previous awardees (see below) provide examples of successful nominations. No letters of support are required.

Contact details, including email addresses and a current telephone numbers, must be provided for the nominator and the nominee (if an organization is being nominated, provide information for a contact person). Essays should be submitted via e-mail to Joe Joseph, Acting Chair, SHA Awards Committee, at jwjoseph@newsouthassoc.com.

Previous Awardees

2012       City of Alexandria and Alexandria Archaeology (Journal PDF)
2013       The Hampshire and Wight Trust for Maritime Archaeology (Journal PDF)
2014       Archéo-Québec (Journal PDF)
2015       Florida Public Archaeology Network (Journal PDF)
2016       Maryland Archaeological Conservation Laboratory (Journal PDF)
2017       The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley’s Community Historical   Archaeology Project with   Schools (CHAPS) Program (Journal PDF)
2018       Tristán de Luna y Arellano Project (Journal PDF)
2019       USDA Forest Service Passport in Time Program (Journal PDF)
2020       Christopher C. Fennell (Journal PDF)
2022       The I-95 Girard Avenue Interchange Reconstruction Project (Journal PDF)
2023      The Montpelier Archaeology Department (Journal PDF)
2024       Archaeology in the Community (Journal PDF)

SHA Award of Merit

Established in 1988 this award recognizes specific achievements of individuals and organizations that have furthered the cause of historical archaeology. Although the award is given for scholarly as well as other contributions, the honorees need not be professional archaeologists nor members of The Society for Historical Archaeology. A full and varied range of contributions to the field are considered. The Award of Merit is an inscribed certificate under glass, suitably framed, and normally a number of awards are given each year.

Previous Awardees

1992     Kathleen A. Deagan
1993     Kevin Crisman, Kansas City Landmarks Commission, Missouri Archaeological Society
1994     Parks Canada Department of Canadian Heritage, William J. Byrne, Province of Alberta, Marietta C. Schumacher, Paul J. F. Schumacher
1995     National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior, William Donald Schaefer, Governor of Maryland, Thomas M. Mayes, National Trust for Historic Preservation, Archaeological Society of Maryland, Inc., Archaeological Society of Virginia
1996     John Wallace Griffin* Florence C. Lister & Robert H. Lister Arnold R. Pilling* C. Malcolm Watkins Ohio Valley Urban and Historical Archaeology Symposium
1997     Pilar Luna Erreguerena, Instituto Nacional de Antropologia e Historia, Mexico Texas Archaeological Society Texas Historical Commission
1998     U.S. Senator Wyche Fowler, State of Georgia Southeastern Archaeological Conference (SEAC) 1999     Virginia S. Harrington Friends of Fort Bridger Fort Bridger, Wyoming Passport in Time Program USDA Forest Service
2000    Robert Grenier, Marcel Moussette, Ministère de la Culture et des Communications du Québec Parcs Canada Ville de Québec Université Laval
2001     William & Edith Wallace Martha Williams
2002     Judith A. Bense, Toni L. Carrell, Anita G. Cohen-Williams, HISTARCH Listserve
2003   Rhode Island Historical Preservation and Heritage Commission Massachusetts Historical Commission, The Honorable Leonard L. Boswell, U.S. House of Representative, Paul Huey and Lois Feister, New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation, Martin Klein, Society for Historical Archaeology’s Advisory Council for Underwater Archaeology
2004   Margaret Kimball Brown, Gordon De Angleo, Michael “Sonny” Trimble
2005   The Society for Post-Medieval Archaeology, English Heritage, The Ironbridge Gorge Museums Trust, Dr. David Gaimster, FSA, Dr. Marilyn Palmer, FSA
2006    The California Department of Transportation Cypress Freeway Archaeology Project, Julia Bendimez Patterson, The Chinese Historical and Cultural Project, San Jose, California
2007    The Digital Archaeological Archive of Comparative Slavery (DAACS) Fraser D. Neiman and Jillian Galle, Co-Directors; Virginia Department of Historic Resources’ Threatened Sites Program, David K. Hazzard, Director; Ceramics in America, Robert Hunter, Editor
2008   The Submerged Resources Center of the U.S. National Park Service,
Larry E. Murphy, Chief; The City of Tucson, Arizona for the Rio Nuevo Archaeology Project, Marty McCune, City of Tucson, Department of Urban Planning and Design & William H. Doelle, President, Desert Archaeology, Inc. 2009  Olive Jones The City of Toronto, Planning Division, for its Archaeological Management Plan Gary Wright, Chief Planner and Executive Director Spectral Fusion Designs, University of Montana 2010   George R. Fischer Mala Compra Plantation Archaeological Site Nautical Archaeological Society 
2011    Nellie Longsworth, John L. Nau III
2012   The Archaeology Program of the Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission, Prince George’s County Historic St. Mary’s City
2013   David Barker, Paul Courtney, Geoff Egan, The Centre for Maritime Archaeology, University of Ulster
2014, Societe du patrimoine urbain de Quebec
2015    Priscilla Wegars The Idaho Transportation Department Sandpoint Archaeological Project
2016   J. Rodney Little, Ruth Trocolli, Toni Carrell, Dolores Elkin, Margaret Leshikar-Denton, and Pilar Luna Erreguerena
2017    Texas Archeological Society, Texas General Land Office, City of San Antonio’s Historic Preservation Program
2018    Environmental and Historic Preservation Team, Louisiana Recovery Office, FEMA Region VI Louisiana Division of Archaeology, The Historic New Orleans Collection
2019    Greater Saint Charles Convention and Visitors Bureau, Terrance J. Martin, Joseph Harl
2020  The Andrew Fiske Memorial Center for Achaeological Research at the University of Massachusetts, Boston Volunteers of the City of Boston Archaeology Program
2022  Independence National Historical Park of the National Park Service, AECOM’s Burlington Office Team, Philadelphia Archaeological Forum, Avenging The Ancestors Coalition (ATAC)
2023  Centro Arqueologia de Lisboa, Município de Esponsende – Serviço de Património Cultural, Turismo Industrial – São João da Madeira, Batoto Yetu Portugal
2024  Muwekma Ohlone Tribe of the San Francisco Bay Area, Tribal Council, Veterans Curation Program, San Mateo, California State Parks Dive Team

James Deetz Book Award

The Deetz Award is named for James Deetz (1930-2000), whose books are classics for professional archaeologists as well as for non-specialists. Deetz’s accessible and entertaining style of writing gave his books influence beyond the discipline because they are read by a broad audience of non-specialists. The Deetz Award is intended to recognize books and monographs that are similarly well written and accessible to all potential readers.

2025 James DeetzBook Award Nominations Guidelines

2004    Thomas N. Layton, Gifts of the Celestial Kingdom: A Shipwrecked Cargo for Gold Rush California (Stanford University Press, 2002)
2005    Laurie A. Wilkie, The Archaeology of Mothering: An African-American Midwife’s Tale (Routledge, 2003)
2006    Jane Perkins Claney, Rockingham Ware in American Culture, 1830-1930: Reading Historical Artifacts (University Press of New England, 2004)
2007    Kent G. Lightfoot, Indians, Missionaries, and Merchants: The Legacy of Colonial Encounters on the California Frontiers (University of California Press, 2004)
2008    Mark P. Leone, The Archaeology of Liberty in an American Capital: Excavations in Annapolis (University of California Press, 2005)
2009    James Bruseth and Toni Turner, From a Watery Grave: The Discovery and Excavation of La Salle’s Shipwreck, La Belle (Texas A&M University Press, 2005)
2010    Shannon A. Novak, House of Mourning: A Biocultural History of the Mountain Meadows Massacre (University of Utah Press, 2008)
2011    James P. Delgado, Khubilai Khan’s Lost Fleet: In Search of a Legendary Armada (University of California Press, 2008)
2012    Laurie A. Wilkie, The Lost Boys of Zeta Psi: A Historical Archaeology of Masculinity at a University Fraternity (University of California Press, 2010)
2013    Kelly J. Dixon, Julie M. Schablitsky, and Shannon A. Novak (editors), An Archaeology of Desperation: Exploring the Donner Party’s Alder Creek Camp (University of Oklahoma Press, 2011)
2014    Leland Ferguson, God’s Fields: Landscape, Religion, and Race in Moravian Wachovia (University Press of Florida, 2014)
2015    Meta F. Janowitz and Diane Dallal (editors)Tales of Gotham, Historical Archaeology, Ethnohistory and Microhistory of New York City (Springer, 2013)
2016    Elizabeth Terese Newman, Biography of a Hacienda: Work and Revolution in Rural Mexico (University of Arizona Press, 2014)
2017    Robin M. Lillie and Jenifer E. Mack, Dubuque’s Forgotten Cemetery: Excavating a Nineteenth-Century Burial Ground in a Twenty-First-Century City (University of Iowa Press, 2015)
2018     Martha A. Zierden and Elizabeth J. Reitz, Charleston: An Archaeology of Life in a Coastal Community (University Press of Florida, 2016)
2019     Rachael Kiddey, Homeless Heritage: Collaborative Social Archaeology as Therapeutic Practice (Oxford University Press, 2017)
2020     Chip Colwell, Plundered Skulls and Stolen Spirits: Inside the Fight to Reclaim Native America’s Culture (University of Chicago Press, 2017)
2021      James. P. Delgado, War at Sea: A Shipwrecked History from Antiquity to the Twentieth Century (Oxford University Press, 2019)
2022     Rebecca Yamin, Archaeology at the Site of the Museum of the American Revolution: A Tale of Two Taverns and the Growth of Philadelphia (Temple University Press, 2019)
2023     Krysta Ryzewski, Detroit Remains: Archaeology and Community Histories of Six Legendary Places (University of Alabama Press, 2022)
2024     Philip Levy, The Permanent Resident: Excavations and Explorations of George Washington’s Life (University of Virginia Press, 2022)

Kathleen Kirk Gilmore Dissertation Award

The 2025 Kathleen Kirk Gilmore Dissertation Prize will be awarded to a recent graduate whose dissertation is considered by the  selection panel to be an outstanding contribution to historical archaeology.  The submission deadline for the 2025 Prize has been extended to Monday, August 12, 2024.

2025 Gilmore Award Submission Details

Previous Dissertation Prize Winners

2001    Michelle M. Terrell, An Historical Archaeology of the 17th- and 18th- Century Jewish Community of Nevis, British West Indies, published by SHA-UPF in 2005 as The Jewish Community of Early Colonial Nevis: A Historical Archaeological Study Publication
2002    No prize was awarded
2003    Kurt Jordan, The Archaeology of Iroquois Restoration: Settlement, Housing, and Economy at a Dispersed Seneca Community, ca. A.D. 1715-1754, published by SHA-UPF in 2008 as The Seneca Restoration, 1715-1754: An Iroquois Local Political Economy Publication
2004    Nathan Richards, Deep Structures: An Examination of Deliberate Watercraft Abandonment in Australia, published by SHA-UPF in 2008 as Ships’ Graveyards: Abandoned Watercraft and the Archaeological Formation Process Publication
2005    J. Cameron Monroe, Building Dahomey: Landscape, Architecture and Political Order in Atlantic West Africa
2006    Elizabeth Kellar, Construction and Expression of Identity: An Archaeological Investigation of the Laborer Villages at Adrian Estate, St.John, USVI
2007    Elizabeth Jordan, “From Time Immemorial”: Washerwomen, Culture, and Community in Capetown, South Africa
2008    Sarah Croucher, Plantations on Zanzibar: An Archaeological Approach to Complex Identities Publication
2009    Neil L. Norman, An Archaeology of West African Atlanticization: Regional Analysis of the Huedan Palace Districts and Countryside, Benin, 1650-1727
2010    Meredith Linn, From Typhus to Tuberculosis and Fractures in Between: A Visceral Historical Archaeology of Irish Immigrant Life in New York City 1845-1870
2011    Gérard Chouin, Forests of Power and Memory: An Archaeology of Sacred Groves in the Eguafo Polity, Southern Ghana (c. 500-1900 A.D.)
2012    Liza Gijanto, Change and the Era of the Atlantic Trade: Commerce and Interaction in the Niumi Commercial Center (The Gambia).
2013    Rebecca Sara Graff, The Vanishing City: Time, Tourism, and the Archaeology of Event at Chicago’s 1893 World’s Columbian Exposition.
2014    Felipe Gaitán Ammann, An Archaeology of the Slave Trade in Late-Seventeenth Century Panama (1663-1674)
2015    Risto NurmiDevelopment of the Urban Mind – An Object Biographical Approach, The Case Study of the Town of Tornio, Northern Finland
2016    C. Riley Augé, Silent Sentinels: Archaeology, Magic, and the Gendered Control of Domestic Boundaries in New England, 1620-1725 Publication
2017    Jason Thomas Raupp, “And So Ends this Day’s Work”: Industrial Perspectives on Early Nineteenth-century American Whaleships Wrecked in the Northeastern Hawaiian Islands
2018     Heather Walder, “…A Thousand Beads to Each Nation:” Exchange, Interactions, and Technological Practices in the Upper Great Lakes c. 1630-1730
2019     Paul LogueA Reinterpretation of the Archaeology of the Nine Years’ War in Ulster from a Cultural Perspective
2020    Ashley Atkins Spivey, Knowing the River, Working the Land, and Digging for Clay: Pamunkey Indian Subsistence Practices and the Market Economy 1800-1900
2021     Brooke L. Drew, Death in Anonymity: Population Dynamics and the Individual within the Milwaukee County Poor Farm Cemetery, 1882-1925
2022    Miriam A. W. Rothenberg, Community and Corrosion: A Contemporary Archaeology of Montserrat‘s Volcanic Crisis in Long-Term Comparative Perspective
2023   Haeden E. Stewart, In the Shadow of Industry: The Lively Decay of Mill Creek Ravine
2024   Elizabeth C. Clay, Slavery and Freedom on the Fringes of France: Historical Archaeology at Habitation La Caroline, French Guiana

SHA Quebec City Award / Bourse de Québec

2025 Québec City Award / Bourse de Québec Quebec City Award

Quebec City Award

The Quebec City Award is granted to assist French-speaking students to attend the annual meeting and to promote their participation in Society activities. The cash prize is for the amount of interest accrued annually on the initial endowment, and not to exceed $750.

To be considered for the prize, candidates must be a standing member of the SHA, be registered in a French-language university and preparing a thesis or a dissertation in French and they must present a substantive or theoretical paper at the annual meeting.

To apply, submit a letter including a confidential letter of reference from your research director, proof of your abstract submission at the annual meeting, a 500-word abstract of the proposed paper and a copy of your resume to the Quebec City Award Secretary by June 30, 2024. Further information is available from the Quebec City Award Secretary at the following address: William Moss, william.mossqc@gmail.com. Please visit the Society for Historical Archaeology web site for full information: https://sha.org/about-us/awards-and-prizes/.


Bourse de Québec

La Bourse de Québec est accordée afin de promouvoir la participation d’étudiants de langue française au colloque annuel et aux activités de la Society for Historical Archaeology. La bourse correspond au montant des intérêts accumulés sur le capital initial dans le courant de l’année, le tout n’excédant pas $750.

La date limite pour la mise en candidature pour la Bourse de Québec de la Society for Historical Archaeology est fixée au 30 juin prochain. Vous pouvez obtenir plus de renseignements sur la page web de la SHA : https://sha.org/about-us/awards-and-prizes/

Cette bourse internationale offerte par la SHA depuis 2002 permet aux étudiants de langue française de participer au colloque annuel de la Society for Historical Archaeology et de l’Advisory Council on Underwater Archaeology. Pour être éligible, le candidat doit être membre en règle de la SHA, être inscrit dans une université francophone et y préparer une thèse ou un mémoire en français. Enfin, il doit présenter, dans le cadre du colloque annuel de la SHA, une communication substantielle ou théorique.

Pour poser votre candidature, faites parvenir une lettre au secrétaire du comité de la Bourse de Québec. Cette lettre doit être accompagnée des documents suivants : une lettre de recommandation confidentielle de votre directeur de recherche, une preuve d’inscription à l’université, une preuve de la soumission du résumé de la communication, un résumé de votre communication (maximum de 500 mots) et une copie de votre curriculum vitae. Pour de plus amples renseignements, veuillez contacter le secrétaire du comité de la Bourse de Québec à l’adresse suivante : William Moss, william.mossqc@gmail.com.

Previous Awardees / Recipiendaries

2003   Dany Hamel, Université Laval
2005   Marie-Annick Prevost, Université Laval
2006   Charles Dagneau, Université de Montréal
2007   Etienne Taschereau, Université Laval
2009   Catherine Losie, Université Laval
2010   Anja Herzog, Université Laval
2012   Nicolas Zorzin, Université Laval
2013   Melanie Rousseau, Université Laval 
2015  Agnes Gele, Université Laval
2016  Marijo Gauthier-Berube, Université de Montréal
2018  Francisco Rivera,Université de Montréal
2023  Rachel Archambault, Université de Montréal

Robert L. Schuyler Student Travel Awards

Thanks to a generous bequest from the estate of Robert L. Schuyler, Ph.D., the SHA will make up to 10 (ten) awards of $1,500.00 each to SHA student members to help defray the costs of attending the 2025 Conference on Historical and Underwater Archaeology in New Orleans, Louisiana. 

To be considered for a travel award, applicants must be:

  1. A current SHA Student Member;
  2. Enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate degree-granting program;
  3. Presenting a paper or poster at the 2025 Conference on Historical and Underwater Archaeology; and
  4. Registered for the Conference by the November 1, 2024 registration deadline for presenters.

In addition to increasing student involvement at the SHA annual conference, the goal of this travel award is to help serious students who want to become professional historical archaeologists.

To apply, send (1) your curriculum vitae (your advisor’s name should be indicated on the first page, and your contact information must be provided); (2) a letter of interest (2 pages, single spaced); and (3) the title and abstract for your paper or poster as you originally submitted it. All files should be sent as PDFs.

In your letter of interest, please address the following:

  • Summarize your educational background, progress toward your degree, and your research interests;
  • State how your participation in the SHA conference will advance your career and research;
  • Explain how your paper or poster will potentially benefit those who attend your session.

Please note: Students can apply for a Robert L. Schuyler Fund Student Travel Award, the Harriet Tubman Student Travel Award, the Ed and Judy Jelks Student Travel Award, and the ACUA George R. Fischer International Student Travel Award but may only receive one award in the same year.

Deadline for submissions: October 28, 2024. Submit your application materials and any questions you have about the competition to Dr. Audrey Horning at ajhorn@wm.edu. The recipients will be notified prior to the conference, and the awards will be announced and presented at the SHA Business Meeting at the 2025 SHA Conference in New Orleans.

Ed and Judy Jelks Student Travel Award

2025 Ed and Judy Jelks Student Travel Award Call for Applications

The Society for Historical Archaeology invites students to submit applications for the Jelks Student Travel Awards. One award of $1,500.00 to defray travel costs will be presented to an SHA student member who is presenting a paper or poster or participating in a symposium at the SHA 2025 Conference on Historical and Underwater Archaeology in New Orleans, Louisiana, January  8-11, 2025.  Applicants may be undergraduate or graduate students, and they must be currently enrolled in a degree-granting program, be a member of SHA at the time of submission, and be presenting at the 2025 conference. All applicants must register for the 2025 annual meeting by November 1, 2024 to be considered for an award. In addition to increasing student involvement at the meetings, the goals of this travel award are to encourage students to conduct research and communicate the results early in their careers.

To apply, send (1) your curriculum vitae (your advisor’s name should be indicated on the first page, and your contact information must be provided); (2) a letter of interest (2 pages, single spaced); and (3) the title and abstract for your paper or poster as you originally submitted it. All files should be sent as PDFs.

In your letter, please address the following:

  • Summarize your educational background, progress towards the degree, and research interests;
  • State how your participation in the SHA conference will advance your career and research;
  • Explain how your paper or poster will potentially benefit those who attend your session.

Please note: Students can apply for a Robert L. Schuyler Fund Student Travel Award, the Harriet Tubman Student Travel Award, the Ed and Judy Jelks Student Travel Award, and the ACUA George R. Fischer International Student Travel Award, but may only receive one award in the same year.

Deadline for submissions: October 28, 2024. Submit your application materials and any questions you have about the competition to Dr. Audrey Horning at ajhorn@wm.edu. The recipients will be notified prior to the conference, and the award will be announced and presented at the annual business meeting at the 2025 SHA Conference in New Orleans.

Previous Ed and Judy Jelks Student Travel Award Winners

2005   Shannon Dunn (Syracuse University), Lynda Carroll (Binghampton University)
2006   Edward W. Tennant (University of Florida), Teagan A. Schweitzer (University of Pennsylvania)
2007   Amanda M. Evans (U of Maryland, College Park), Bryn Williams (Stanford University)
2008   Jun Sunseri (UC Santa Cruz), Jodi Barnes (American University)
2009   John Chenoweth (University of California, Berkeley), Jacqueline Marcotte (East Carolina University)
2011    Rebecca Graff (University of Chicago), Angela Jaillet (Indiana University of Pennsylvania)
2012    Corey McQuinn (University at Albany-State University of New York), Adrian Myers (Stanford University)
2013    Lindsay Bloch (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), Elizabeth K. Spott (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee)
2014    David Marcus (University of Florida Gainesville), Heather Walder (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
2015    Sarah Platt (Syracuse University), Aleisha Rose Buckler (The University of Queensland)
2016   Paulina Franciska Przystupa (University of New Mexico), Rachel Tracey (Queen’s University Belfast)
2017    Leo A. Demski (University of Nevada, Reno), Koji Ozawa (Stanford University)
2018   Ricardo Borrero Londoño (Texas A&M University), Maria Ktori (University of Cyprus)
2019   Kimberley Connor (Stanford University), Kyla Cools (University of Maryland)
2020   Laura Wai Ng (Stanford University), Steven Goliath Harris (Syracuse University)
2022   Steven J. Filoromo (University of Alabama)
2023  Megan Olshefski (Durham University), Abby M. Stone (University of West Florida)
2024  Taylor Brown (University of West Florida), Bryce Peacher (University of Central Florida)

Harriet Tubman Student Travel Award

2025 Harriet Tubman Student Travel Award

The Society for Historical Archaeology’s Gender and Minority Affairs Committee (GMAC) is sponsoring a travel award to a student who is presenting a paper or poster at the 2025 SHA Conference in New Orleans, Louisiana. One $1,500 award will be given to defray travel costs.  Applicants may be undergraduate or graduate students, and they must be currently enrolled in a degree-granting program, be a member of SHA at the time of application, and be presenting a paper or poster at the conference. All applicants must be registered for the 2025 annual conference by November 1, 2024 to be considered for this award. The goals of this travel award are to increase diversity and to encourage student involvement at the meetings. Diversity is inclusive of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, abilities, and socioeconomic background. Applications are encouraged from diverse populations.

To apply, send (1) your curriculum vitae (your advisor’s name should be indicated on the first page, and your contact information must be provided); (2) a letter of interest (2 pages, single spaced); and (3) the title and abstract for your paper or poster as you originally submitted it. All files should be sent as PDFs.

In your letter, please address the following:

  • Explain how you will increase diversity in historical archaeology, and why increasing diversity within the discipline and SHA is important.
  • State how your participation in the SHA conference will advance your career and research.
  • Explain how your paper or poster will potentially benefit those who attend your session.

Following the conference, the recipient is required to submit a one-page report to the GMAC Chair on their conference experience and their thoughts on diversifying archaeology that will be posted to the SHA Blog.

Please note: Please note: Students can apply for a Robert L. Schuyler Fund Student Travel Award, the Harriet Tubman Student Travel Award, the Ed and Judy Jelks Student Travel Award, and the ACUA George R. Fischer International Student Travel Award, but may only receive one award in the same year.

Deadline for submissions: October 28, 2024. Submit your application materials to shagenderandminorityaffairs@gmail.com.  The recipients will be notified prior to the conference, and the award will be announced and presented at the 2025 SHA Conference in New Orleans.

Previous Winners

2013       Elena Sesma, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Honora Sullivan-Chin, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
2014       Justin Dunnavant, University of Florida, Gainesville, Russell Palmer, University of Ghent, Belgium
2015       Jamie M. Arjona, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Mario Alberto Castillo, University of California, Berkeley
2016       Mary Elizabeth Ibarrola, University of Florida, Alicia Odewale, University of Tulsa
2017       Khadene Kharla-Ann Harris, Northwestern University, Grace Tsai, Texas A&M University
2018       Tiffany Cain, University of Pennsylvania, Koji Ozawa, Stanford University
2019       Oluseyi Odunyemi Agbelusi, Syracuse University, V. Camille Westmont, University of Maryland
2020      Danielle Dadiego,University of California Santa Cruz, Gabby Hartemann, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
2022      Lisa Matthies-Barnes, University of Florida
2023      L. Chardé Reid, William & Mary, Gwendolyn Ruth Jones, The University of Texas at Austin
2024      Timothy Scott Maddock, Northern Arizona University, Kathryn Brock, William & Mary

The Jamie Chad Brandon Student Paper Prize

The Academic and Professional Training Committee is pleased to announce the Jamie Chad Brandon Student Paper Prize.

Jamie received his BA in Anthropology from the University of Memphis in 1995, his MA in Anthropology from the University of Arkansas in 1999, and his PhD in Anthropology from the University of Texas at Austin in 2004. He served as the Research Station Archaeologist at Southern Arkansas University in Magnolia from 2006 to 2014. From 2014 until his death, Jamie was an Associated Professor of Anthropology at the University of Arkansas Fayetteville and the UAF Research Station Archaeologist. Jamie’s research interests focused on the archaeology of the Ozarks and greater southeastern United States, specifically the material culture and identity, race construction, representation and power relations in the American South.

Jamie was a long-time member of SHA. From 2010-2018, he served as an Associate Editor for Historical Archaeology and as a member of the Journal and Co-Publications Editorial Advisory Committee. From 2006-2018 he served on the Academic and Professional Training Committee as the Continuing Education Coordinator (2006-2011); the APTC Committee Chair (2010-2014); a Student Paper Prize Subcommittee judge (2006-2018); and the Student Paper Prize Chair (2008-2014).

For a full listing of Jamie’s extensive teaching, research, outreach, and service, please see his personal website: https://fartheralong.wordpress.com/

The Jamie Chad Brandon Student Paper Prize will be awarded at the 58th Conference on Historical and Underwater Archaeology, to be held January 8-11, 2025 in New Orleans, Louisiana. The prize will be awarded to a student, or students, whose written version of a conference paper is judged superior in the areas of originality, research merit, clarity of presentation, professionalism, and of potential relevance to a considerable segment of the archaeological community. One prize will be awarded. The winning author(s) will receive a $500.00 cash prize.  The winning author(s) will be encouraged to submit the paper to be reviewed for possible publication in Historical Archaeology. The results of the competition will be communicated to the entrants prior to the meeting, and the winner will be announced at the annual business meeting.


  1. Entrants must be student members of the SHA prior to submission of papers and be registered for the 2025 annual meeting by November 1, 2024.
  2. The paper must be prepared according to the current SHA Style Guide & Submission Guidelines  (https://sha.org/publication-links/publication-style-guide-submission-guidelines/) and be submitted by December 6, 2024. Submissions must be made electronically (MS Word or PDF) to Alicia Caporaso, chair of the Student Paper Prize Subcommittee at JCBStudentPaperPrize@gmail.com. If entrants have a problem with an electronic submission, please contact Alicia Caporaso at the email address above.
  3. The paper must be presented by one of the student authors at the annual meeting.
  4. There may be a maximum of three authors on the paper. All of the authors must be students and members of SHA at the time of submission. In the event of a winning co‐authored paper, the authors will split the cash prize.
  5. Papers are to be limited to no more than 10 pages of double-spaced text using standard fonts and margins. The intent is that the length of the paper submitted must be in line with what can reasonably be presented in 15 minutes. Papers that are deemed by the committee to be impossible to deliver in a standard 15-minute format will be eliminated from the competition. Figures and tables do not count towards the maximum page length. Poster submissions are not eligible.

Any additional questions may be addressed to Alicia Caporaso via email (JCBStudentPaperPrize@gmail.com).

Previous Winners

2004    Katherine Hull, University of Toronto
2005    Karen Wehner, New York University
2006    John Roby, Georgia State University
2007    Douglas E. Ross, Simon Fraser University
2008    John Chenoweth, University of California, Berkeley
2009    James L. Flexner, University of California, Berkeley
2010    Adrian Myers, Stanford University
2011     Linda Ziegenbein, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
2012    Matthew Beaudoin, University of Western Ontario
2013    Ashley Morton, University of Idaho
2014    Heather Walder, University of Wisconsin-Madison
2015    V. Camille Westmont, University of Maryland
2016    Leslie A. Crippen, University of Maryland
2017    Tracy H. Jenkins, University of Maryland
2018    Zada Komara, University of Kentucky
2019    Lindsey Cochran, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
2020    Alanna Warner-Smith, Syracuse University
2021    Alexander Garcia-Putnam, University of Wyoming
2022    Rachel Thimmig, Brown University
2023    Jennifer Lupu, Northwestern University
2024    Sarah J. Noe, University of California, Santa Barbara

Mark E. Mack Community Engagement Award

Mark E. Mack Community Engagement Award

The Mark E. Mack Community Engagement Award honors those individual researchers or research project teams that exhibit outstanding best practices in community collaboration, engagement, and outreach in their historical archaeology and heritage preservation work.

Mack awardees demonstrate a commitment to the representation of and open dialogue with stakeholders in archaeological research, especially descendent, local, and minority communities. The award commemorates the life and career of Mark E. Mack and encourages diversity in the SHA and our profession by cultivating relationships between archaeologists and stakeholder communities. Mack was well known for his work on the New York African Burial Ground project. He was a professor of anthropology at Howard University and curator of the university’s W. Montague Cobb Research Laboratory. Throughout his career, he exemplified many of the qualities we value as best practices in community, stakeholder collaboration.

How best to cultivate relationships between archaeologists and stakeholder communities has long been a point of discussion. While historical archaeologists often strive to work with one local community, others are faced with the more difficult task of collaborating with multiple stakeholders (i.e., local communities, local descendant communities, and nonlocal descendant communities, just to name a few). These relationships and the degree of collaboration relate directly to ethical concerns that are often not readily discussed or taught in many academic programs. Best practices suggest that stakeholder communities should be involved in nearly every phase of a project from planning to implementation. We seek to recognize projects that embrace the challenges of facilitating collaboration and long-term relationships with stakeholder communities

The award winners are selected by a panel of SHA Gender and Minority Affairs Committee (GMAC) members. The submission guidelines are outlined below, and the deadline for submission is November 4, 2024. All entries and inquiries should be directed to Dr. Christopher Fennell and submitted electronically to cfennell@illinois.edu.  Awardees will be announced at the 2025 Conference on Historical and Underwater Archaeology held in New Orleans, Louisiana. First, second, and third place winners will be recognized by certificates and will be acknowledged on the SHA website as well as on the GMAC webpage.

Eligibility for this award:

  • The nominee(s) must be a current SHA member at the time the application is submitted.
  • The nominee(s) may be an individual, principal investigator, or a project team engaged in an historical archaeology or heritage preservation project (if a project team, only one team member needs to be an SHA member).
  • Nominations may be made by SHA members or by nonmembers, by self-nomination, or by fellow archaeologists, community members, or fellow researchers or collaborators.
  • Successful applicants should exhibit outstanding commitment to community outreach, collaboration, or engagement.
  • Projects may include both academic as well as cultural resource management projects.

Submission requirements:

  • Submit a complete application form (below), including a brief essay (1,000 words maximum), which has two parts.
  • Part 1 with a brief description (approximately 500 words) that details how the nominee or project team exhibits a commitment to community outreach, collaboration, and/or engagement beyond the required scope of involvement.
  • Part 2 with an overview (approximately 500 words) of the archaeological project, the research objectives or main questions under investigation, and a description of how your work encourages diversity in historical archaeology
  • Provide at least one picture that illustrates your involvement with the community(ies) and stakeholders and corresponding captions for the GMAC webpage or the SHA blog. The applicant is responsible for securing the proper permissions from each person identified in digital submissions.
  • Applicant Name:
  • Email:
  • Affiliation:
  • Address:
  • Phone Number:
  • Media Materials (e.g., title[s] of photos, pamphlets, blog entries):
  • Photo Caption(s): (include a brief description with the location and names of those pictured; see above for required permissions)
  • Essay as described above.

Previous Winners

2016     Jun Sunseri, University of California, Berkeley (1st place) Rachael Kiddey, University of York (2nd place) Ruth Trocolli, Mia Carey, Charde Reid and Charles LeeDecker, D.C. Historic Preservation Office & University of Florida (3rd place)
2017     ArcheoBlitz Team, National Park Service (1st place) Youth Diving with a Purpose, Diving with a Purpose and National Park Service (2nd place) AKRF, Inc., New York City Economic Development Corporation, and Harlem African Burial Ground Task Force (3rd place)
2018     Marc Lorenc and the Dr. James Still Community Archaeology Project (1st place), Jennifer McKinnon (2nd place), Allison Manfra McGovern (3rd place)
2019    Collaborative Archaeology at Stewart Indian School (1st place) Anthracite Heritage Project (2nd place)
2020   Eastern Pequot Archaeological Field School, Stephen W. Silliman (1st place) Old D’Hanis Archaeological Mapping Project, Trish Markert, Ruth Van Dyke, Hunter Crosby, Nolan O’Hara and Emily Sainz (2nd place), Uncovering Salem’s Chinese Shrine, Kimberli Fitzgerald (3rd place)
2022    Daniel Schávelzon and Afro-Argentina Communities, Ana Igareta (1st place), Oregon Chinese Diaspora Project, Chelsea Rose (2nd place), Rappahannock-SMCM Project, Julia A. King and Chief G. Anne Richardson (3rd place)
2023    Mary R. McCorvie and the Shawnee National Forest Heritage Program, Mark Wagner (1st place), The Theodore Roosevelt Board School Ethnographic Project, Nicholas Laluk (2nd place), Women Veterans in Parks Program, National Park Service, Jessica Keller (3rd place)
2024    Back-to-Africa Heritage and Archaeology Project, Matthew C. Reilly, Craig Stevens, Caree Banton, Chrislyn Laurore (1st place), Amache National Historic Site Project, Bonnie Clark, April Kamp-Whittaker (2nd place), History Colorado’s Native American Boarding School Research Program, Holly Norton (3rd place)

GMAC Diversity Field School Competition

GMAC Diversity Field School Competition 

The SHA Gender and Minority Affairs Committee (GMAC) of the Society for Historical Archaeology (SHA) invites all SHA members and conference attendees to submit a nomination for the prestigious Diversity Field School Award competition.

As the field of historical archaeology continues to expand, it is becoming increasingly important to develop archaeological practices that foster diversity in research objectives, perspectives, and participation. GMAC recognizes that diversity is multi-dimensional and thus “inclusive of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, abilities, and socio-economic background.” In an effort to recognize those who have shown a commitment to diversity in historical archaeology, the Diversity Field School Award recognizes field schools that demonstrate diversity in the broadest sense of the term.

The submission requirements are outlined below, and the deadline for submission is November 8, 2024.  All entries and inquiries should be submitted electronically to shagenderandminorityaffairs@gmail.com.

Awardees will be selected by a panel of GMAC members, announced at the 58th Conference on Historical and Underwater Archaeology, January 8-11, 2025 in New Orleans, Louisiana and presented with a certificate.  First, second, and third place winners will be chosen. First place winners will be featured on the GMAC webpage of the SHA website, and there will be an opportunity to post visual materials such as photo(s) or a link to a short video (your video must be hosted on a different platform such as YouTube or Vimeo), a description of the field school, and any registration materials.

In addition, publishers that exhibit books at the SHA/ACUA annual conference provide a selection of books to help recognize the winner of the competition.


The entrant must be a current SHA member and 2025 conference participant, who is registered for the conference at the time the application is submitted.  The field school must have been conducted within the period between January 2023 and January 2025.

Submission requirements:

A complete application package that includes: (1) the complete contact information for the applicants (i.e., name, email address, affiliation, address, and phone number, (2) an essay (500 words) that details how the field school contributes to diversity in the scholarship or tangible products of historical archaeology, (3) verification that the applicant (e.g., principal investigators, directors, managers, students, or any other who has recently run a field school) is a member of SHA and registered for the 2025 conference, and (4) three pictures, a link to a short video clip, digital poster, and/or any other information or visual media that may be used by the SHA and GMAC to promote the competition.

The essay should include a brief summary of the field school, the research objectives or main questions, and the scope of the field school (i.e., the size of the field school, the duration of the field school, and a typical schedule). It should clearly demonstrate how the field school participants and the research objectives represent diversity.

Please submit one to three high-resolution (as defined by the SHA style guide) digital photos and/or visual media (such as one short 3-minute clip). Each submission should include a title and any necessary captions and should represent field school diversity according to the definition of diversity noted above. The applicant is also responsible for securing the proper permissions from each person identified in digital submissions. Please submit no more than three photos and/or a link to one video.

The image should be in its original form and not digitally altered. By submitting a photo, you give the SHA permission to reproduce any entry for promotional purposes only. No reproduction fee will be paid. All permissions must be submitted along with the application (see paragraph above).

Submissions will be judged based on:

The composition and quality of the media materials (e.g., visual materials, pamphlets, and/or any content submitted for the SHA website or GMAC webpage), and how well they represent the diversity of the field school or the potential of the field school to increase diversity.

The commitment to diversity as expressed through the narrative essay. The potential of the field school to inspire others to develop similar programs or to otherwise increase diversity in historical archaeology.

ACUA George Fischer Student Travel Award

2025 ACUA George Fischer International Student Travel Award

The Advisory Council on Underwater Archaeology is pleased to announce the 2023 ACUA George Fischer Student Travel Award. This award of $1,000.00 (USD) will be offered to help fund travel costs for the upcoming 2025 SHA Conference in New Orleans, Louisiana, and will be granted to an international* student presenting a paper on an underwater or maritime archaeology topic at this Conference. Conference abstracts must be submitted directly to the Conference Organizers as outlined in the Call for Papers. Please refer to https://sha.org/conferences/ for complete details on abstract submission and deadlines.

To be eligible for consideration, students applying for this award must currently be enrolled, and in good academic standing, in a graduate degree program (includes full-time, part-time, or thesis/dissertation hours only).

*International students are considered to be those students residing or studying in a country other than the country where the conference is being held.

To apply for this award, you must submit the following:

  1. Curriculum vitae
  2. 1 page cover letter
  3. A copy of your conference abstract, along with confirmation of submission

Submissions will be judged on academic merit and relevance to the field of underwater and maritime archaeology.

All Award application materials must be sent to the ACUA at info@acuaonline.org by October 21, 2024.

Please note: Individuals can apply for the SHA Harriet Tubman and Ed and Judy Jelks Student Travel Awards, the Robert L. Schuyler Student Travel Awards, and the ACUA George Fisher Student Travel Award and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Student Travel Conference Award, but may only receive one award in the same year.

ACUA and Recon Offshore Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Student Travel Conference Award

2025 ACUA/RECON Offshore Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Student Travel Conference Award t

The Advisory Council on Underwater Archaeology (ACUA) and RECON Offshore (https://reconoffshore.com/) are sponsoring one travel award to a student who is presenting a paper or poster on an underwater or maritime archaeology topic at the 2025 annual meeting in New Orleans, Louisiana. The award provides $1000 to defray travel costs. The goals of this travel award are to increase diversity, equity, and inclusion and to encourage student involvement at the meetings. Diversity is inclusive of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, abilities, and socioeconomic background. Applicants that self-identify as diverse are encouraged to apply.

Conference abstracts must be submitted directly to the Conference Organizers as outlined in the Call for Papers. Please refer to https://sha.org/conferences/ for complete details on abstract submission and deadlines.

To be eligible for consideration, students applying for this award must currently be enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate degree program (includes full-time, part-time, or thesis/dissertation hours only), and in good academic standing.

To apply for this award, you must submit the following:

  1. Curriculum vitae
  2. A copy of your conference abstract, along with confirmation of submission
  3. Cover letter
  • In your letter, please address the following:
    • Explain how your participation will support diversity, equity, and inclusion in maritime/underwater archaeology, and why this is important.
    • State how your participation in the SHA conference will advance your career and research.

All award application materials must be sent to the ACUA at info@acuaonline.org October 21, 2024.

Following the conference, recipients are asked to submit a one-page report to ACUA/RECON on their conference experience and a blog post on creating a more inclusive underwater archaeology, which may be posted to the ACUA Blog. 

Please note: Individuals can apply for the SHA Harriet Tubman, Ed and Judy Jelks Student Travel Award, the Robert L. Schuyler Student Travel Awards,  and the ACUA George Fisher Student Travel Award but may only receive one award in the same year.