Volumes 1-20: Author Index: N-Z
Historical Archaeology Index; Volumes 1-20(2); 1967-1986
Compiled by Vergil E. Noble
The author index lists all contributions to the journal in alphabetical order, by author.
Authors A-M
- Noble, Vergil E.
1987 Review of Nottingham House: The Hudson’s Bay Company in Athabasca, 1802-1906, by Karlis Karklins. 21(1):115-16. 1987 Review of Peter Fidler and Nottingham House, Lake Athabasca, 1802-1806, by Robert S. Allen. 21(1):115-16. 1988 Review of The Soldier Off Duty: Domestic Aspects of Military Life at Fort Chambly Under the French Regime As Revealed by Archaeological Objects, by François Miville-Deschênes. 22(2):92-93. 1990 Review of Rock Island, Historical Indian Archaeology in the Northern Lake Michigan Basin, by Ronald J. Mason. 24(1):112-13. 1991 Review of Lock 24: First Welland Canal, by Historica Research Limited. 25(117-118). 1992 Review of Edward Palmer’s Arkansaw Mounds, edited by Marvin D. Jeter. 26(2):109-10. 1993 Review of Historical Archaeology in Global Perspective, edited by Lisa Falk. 27(3):115-17. 1994 Review of Two Worlds: The Indian Encounter With the European, 1492-1509, by S. Lyman Tyler. 28(3):120-121. 1996 Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow: A Plea for Change in the Practice of Historical Archaeology. 30(2):74-84.
- O’Brien, Michael J., and Teresita Majewski
1989 Wealth and Status in the Upper South Socioeconomic System of Northeast Missouri. 23(2):60-95. - Ogata, Kerry
1995 Review of The Archaeology of Gender: Separating the Spheres in Urban America, by Diana DiZerega Wall. 29(4):87-88. - Orser, Charles E., Jr.
1987 Review of The Archaeology of Shirley Plantation, edited by Theodore R. Reinhart. 21(1):117-18. 1989 On Plantations and Patterns. 23(2):28-40. 1990 Historical Archaeology of Southern Plantations and Farms: Introduction. 24(4):1-6. 1991 Review of Historic Buildings, Material Culture, and People of the Prairie Margin: Architecture, Artifacts, and Syntheses of Historic Archaeology, edited by David H. Jurney and Randall W. Moir. 25(2):119-21. 1991 Review of The Old Village and the Great House: An Archaeological and Historical Examination of Drax Hall Plantation, St. Ann’s Bay, Jamaica, by Douglas V. Armstrong. 25(3):123-24. 1991 Review of Pioneer Settlers, Tenant Farmers, and Communities: Objectives, Historical Background, and Excavations, edited by Randall W. Moir and David H. Jurney. 25(2):119-21. 1992 Beneath the Material Surface of Things: Commodities, Artifacts, and Slave Plantations. 26(3):95-104. 1994 Toward a Global Historical Archaeology: An Example from Brazil. 28(1):5-22. - Orser, Charles E., Jr. (editor)
1990 Historical Archaeology on Southern Plantations and Farms. 24(4):i-vi, 1-126. - Orser, Charles E., Jr., and David W. Babson
1990 Tabasco Brand Pepper Sauce Bottles from Avery Island, Louisiana. 24(3):106-15. - Ostrogorsky, Michael
1988 Review of The American Frontier, An Archaeological Study of Settlement Pattern and Process, by Kenneth E. Lewis. 22(1):99-100. 1988 Review of The Bottle Book: A Comprehensive Guide to Historic, Embossed Medicine Bottles, by Richard E. Fike. 22(2):109-10. - Owen, J. V., and Denise Hansen
1996 Compositional Constraints on the Identification of Eighteenth-Century Porcelain Sherds from Fort Beausejour, New Brunswick, and Grassy Island, Nova Scotia, Canada. 30(4):88-100.
- Parrington, Michael
1987 Review of Gone to a Better Land, edited by Jerome C. Rose. 21(1):118-19. - Pastore, Ralph T.
1988 Review of “An Appearance of Strength” The Fortification of Louisbourg, by Bruce W. Fry. 22(1):112-14. - Pastron, Allen G., and James P. Delgado
1991 Archaeological Investigations of a Mid-19th-Century Shipbreaking Yard, San Francisco, California. 25(3):61-77. - Paynter, Robert
1992 Review of The Meaning of Things: Material Culture and Symbolic Expression, edited by I. Hodder. 26(2):103-4. 1995 Review of The Art and Mystery of Historical Archaeology: Essays in Honor of James Deetz, edited by Anne Elizabeth Yenstch and Mary C. Beaudry. 29(1):94-96. - Pearson, Charles E.
1987 Review of Widah: Cape Cod’s Mystery Treasure Ship, by Edwin Dethlefsen. 21(2):126-27. - Pendery, Steven R.
1988 Review of The Clarke and Lake Company: The Historical Archaeology of a Seventeenth Century Maine Settlement, by Emerson W. Baker. 22(2):98-99. 1992 Review of Consumer Behavior in Colonial Charlestown, Massachusetts, 1630-1760. 26(3):57-72. 1995 Review of Archeology of the Frobisher Voyages, edited by William W. Fitzhugh and Jacqueline S. Olin. 29(2):126-28. - Penner, Bruce R.
1995 Review of Theses and Dissertations Relevant to Virginia Archaeology, Architecture, and Material Culture, by J. Mark Wittkofski. 29(1):126-27. - Pertulla, Timothy K.
1994 Material Culture of the Koasati Indians of Texas. 28(1):65-77. - Peterson, Curtiss E.
1991 Review of Submerged Cultural Resources Site Report: Charles H. Spencer’s Mining Operation and Paddle Wheel Steamboat, Glen Canyon National Recreation Area, edited by Toni Carrell. 25(3):119. - Pfeiffer, Michael A.
1995 Review of Continuing Cultural Resource Management of Calvert Mine: 1993 Historic Site Testing, Robertson County, Texas, by Jeff Turpin, Dan K. Utley, and Caroline A. Medlar. 29(4):107-8. 1996 Review of The Complete Horseshoeing Guide (second edition), by Robert F. Wiseman. 30(3):97-98. 1996 Review of Iolo’ First Book of Crossbows, by David R. Watson. 30(3):100-101. 1996 Review of Martin Frobsiher’s Northwest Venture, 1576-1581; Mines, Minerals, & Metallurgy, by D. D. Hogarth, P. W. Boreham, and J. G. Mitchell. 30(2):114-15. - Pilling, Arnold R.
1988 Review of Building a House in 18th Century Ste. Genevieve, by Melburn D. Thurman. 22(1):115-16. - Pittman, William E.
1990 Review of Cylindrical English Wine and Beer Bottles, 1750-1850, by Olive R. Jones. 24(1):121-23. - Pocius, Gerald L.
1991 Review of Perspectives in Vernacular Architecture, III, edited by Thomas Carter and Bernard L. Herman. 25(2):111-13. - Pogue, Dennis J.
1988 Spatial Analysis of the King’s Reach Plantation Homelot, ca. 1690-1715. 22(2):40-56. - Potter, Parker B., Jr.
1991 What Is the Use of Plantation Archaeology? 25(3):94-107. 1992 Critical Archaeology: In the Ground and on the Street. 26(3):116-29. 1993 Review of American History? It’s Beneath Your Feet!, Produced by Robert Starbird and Daniel Rainey. 27(1):119-21. - Potter, Stephen R.
1994 Preface to an Archaeology of Harpers Ferry’s Commercial and Residential District. 28(4):1-2. - Praetzellis, Adrian
1995 Review of The Buried Past: An Archaeological History of Philadelphia, by John L. Cotter, Daniel G. Roberts, and Michael Parrington. 29(2):103-4. - Praetzellis, Adrian, and Mary Praetzellis
1989 “Utility and Beauty Should Be One”: The Landscape of Jack London’s Ranch of Good Intentions. 23(1):33-44. - Preiss, Peter J.
1988 Review of A Toast to the Fur Trade–A Picture Essay on Its Material Culture, by Robert C. Wheeler. 22(2):106-7. 1989 Review of Excavations at Fort Michilimackinac, 1983-1985: House C of the Southeast Row House, The Solomon-Levy-Parant House, by Jill Y. Halchin. 23(2):125-27. - Price, Cynthia R.
1988 Review of Grassland, Forest, and Historical Settlement, An Analysis of Dynamics in Northeast Missouri, by Michael J. O’Brien. 22(1):98-99. - Purser, Margaret
1991 “Several Paradise Ladies Are Visiting in Town”: Gender Strategies in the Early Industrial West. 25(4):6-16. 1992 Consumption As Communication in Nineteenth-Century Paradise Valley, Nevada. 26(3):105-16. 1993 Review of A Place to Belong: Community Order and Everyday Space in Calvert, Newfoundland, by Gerald L. Pocius. 27(4):97-98.
- Queen, Rolla L.
1992 Review of Material Culture, Social Relations, and Spatial Organization on a Colonial Frontier: The Pope Site (44SN180), Southampton County, Virginia, by Theodore R. Reinhart. 26(2):110-112. 1994 Review of 200 Years of Soot and Sweat: The History and Archaeology of Vermont’s Iron, Charcoal, and Lime Industries, by Victor R. Rolando. 28(3):128-30.
- Reedy, James R., Jr.
1994 Review of The Underwater Dig: Introduction to Marine Archaeology, by Robert F. Marx. 28(1):118-19. - Reinhard, Karl J.
1994 Sanitation and Parasitism at Harpers Ferry, West Virginia. 28(4):62-67. - Reitz, Elizabeth J.
1992 The Spanish Colonial Experience and Domestic Animals. 26(1):84-91. 1994 Zooarchaeological Analysis of a Free African Community: Gracis Real De Santa Teresa De Mose. 28(1):23-40. - Rice, Prudence M., and Greg C. Smith
1989 The Spanish Colonial Wineries of Moquegua, Peru. 23(2):41-49. - Rice, Prudence M., and Sara L. van Beck
1993 The Spanish Colonial Kiln Tradition of Moquegua, Peru. 27(4):65-81. - Riordan, Timothy B.
1988 The Interpretation of 17th Century Sites through Plow Zone Surface Collections: Examples from St. Mary’s City, Maryland. 22(2):2-16. 1988 Review of Archaeological Investigations at Pickett’s Mill Historic Site, Paulding County, Georgia, by Roy S. Dickens, Jr. and Linda H. Worthy. 22(1):126-27. 1990 Review of The Material Basis of the Postbellum Tenant Plantation: Historical Archaeology in the South Carolina Piedmont, by Charles E. Orser. Jr. 24(1):115-17. 1991 Review of The Archaeology of Religious Places: Churches and Cemeteries in Britain, by Warwick Rodwell. 25(3):114-15. - Roberts, Daniel G.
1988 Review of Archaeological Annapolis: A Guide to Seeing and Understanding Three Centuries of Change, by Mark P. Leone and Parker B. Potter, Jr. 22(1):103-4. 1989 Old Salem: An Adventure in Historic Preservation, Revised Edition, by Frances Griffin. 23(2):121-23. 1992 Review of Kansas Preservation Plan, Section on Historical Archaeology, by William B. Lees. 26(2):104-6. 1994 Review of A Small History of the Forgotten and the Never Known, by William M. Gardner and Joan M. Walker. 28(1):125-27. - Robinson, William J.
1990 Tree-Ring Studies of the Pueblo de Acoma. 24(3):99-106. - Rock, James T.
1993 Review of Archaeological Data Recovery on the Collins, Geddes Cannery Site, by Edward F. Heite. 27(3):130-131. 1996 Review of Bottles and Business in Plattsburgh, New York: 100 Years of Embossed Bottles As Historical Artifacts, by Gordon Pollard. 30(3):99-100. 1996 Review of Bottles of Old New York: A Pictorial Guide to Early New York City Bottles, 1680-1925, by Robert Apuzzo. 30(3):99-100. 1996 Review of Tucson at the Turn of the Century: The Archaeology of a City Block, by Jonathan B. Mabry, James E. Ayres, and Regina L. Chapin-Pyritz. 30(4):111-12. - Rodeffer, Stephanie H., and Robert L. Schuyler
1991 Carol V. Ruppé Distinguished Service Award. 25(3):1-2. - Ross, Alice
1993 Health and Diet in 19th Century America: A Food Historian’s Point of View. 27(2):42-56. - Ross, Lester A.
1990 Review of Archaeological Testing in the Southeast Area, Vancouver Barracks Historic District, by Rick Minor and Stephen Dow Beckham. 24(1):118-20. 1992 Review of The Most Respectable Place in the Territory: Everyday Life in Hudson’s Bay Company Service, York Factory, 1788-1870, by Michael Payne. 26(2):101-3. - Rothschild, Nan A.
1990 Bert Salwen, 1920-1988. 24(1):104-9. - Rothscild, Nan A., and Darlene Balkwill
1993 The Meaning of Change in Urban Faunal Deposits. 27(2):71-89. - Rovner, Irwin
1994 Floral History by the Back Door: A Test of Phytolith Analysis in Residential Yards at Harpers Ferry. 28(4):37-48. - Rubertone, Patricia E.
1989 Landscape As Artifact: Comments on “The Archaeological Use of Landscape Treatment in Social, Economic and Ideological Analysis.” 23(1):50-54. - Ruppé, Carol
1987 Review of A Bibliography of Underwater Archaeology, compiled by James F. Munche and A. Lani Low. 21(2):120. 1988 Review of Forgotten Places and Things, compiled and edited by Albert E. Ward. 22(1):107. 1989 Review of Legacy of the Machault: A Collection of 18th-Century Artifacts, by Catherine Sullivan. 23(2):133. - Ruppé, Reynold J.
1988 Review of Coastal Erosion and Archaeological Resources on National Wildlife Refuges in the Southeast, by Susan E. Garrett. 22(1):128-30. - Rutsch, Edward S.
1988 Review of Water Power in Scotland, 1550-1870, by John Shaw. 22(2):103-4.
- Samson, Ross
Knowledge, Constraint, and Power in Inaction: The Defenseless Medieval Wall. 26(3):26-44. - Sappington, Robert Lee
Review of The Manufacture of Gunflints, by Sydney B. J. Skertchly. 21(2):134-36. - Saunders, Rebecca
Mission-Period Settlement Structure: A Test of the Model at San Martin De Timucua. 30(4):24-36. - Scarry, John
1994 Review of Approaches to Archaeological Ceramics, by Carla M. Sinopoli. 28(1):113-15. - Schmitt, Dave N., and Charles D. Zeier
1993 Not by Bones Alone: Exploring Household Composition and Socioeconomic Status in an Isolated Historic Mining Community. 27(4):20-38. - Schulz, Peter D.
1988 Review of The Parks Canada Glass Glossary for the Description of Containers, Tableware, Closures, and Flat Glass, by Olive R. Jones and Catherine Sullivan. 22(1):118-20. - Schuyler, Robert L.
1987 Review of The Ortega Adobe, West Main Street, by Roberta S. Greenwood and John M. Foster. 21(1):111-13. 1988 Archaeological Remains, Documents, and Anthropology: A Call for a New Culture History. 22(1):36-42. 1991 Review of Documentary Archaeology in the New World, edited by Mary C. Beaudry. 25(1):113-15. 1991 Historical Archaeology in the American West: The View from Philadelphia. 25(3):7-17. 1993 The Society for Historical Archaeology, 1967-1992: A Quarter Century of a National Archaeological Society. 27(1):35-41. 1996 Review of Wybalena: The Archaeology of Cultural Accommodation in Nineteenth-Century Tasmania, by Judy Birmingham. 30(3):93-95. - Scott, Douglas D.
1988 Review of Cultural Resource Investigation of the Historic Fort Randall Post Cemetery, Gregory County, South Dakota, by L. Adrien Hannus, Edward J. Lueck, and R. Peter Winham. 22(2):102. 1988 Review of Tangled Machinery and Charred Relics–The Historical and Archaeological Investigation of the C.S.S. Nashville, by Franklin N. Chance, Paul C. Chance, and David L. Topper. 22(2):115-16. 1989 Review of History and Historic Archeology of the Kanopolis Lake Area, by William B. Lees and Dennis Schockley. 23(1):124-25. 1991 Review of British Smooth-Bore Artillery: A Technological Study, by David McDonnell. 25(3):120-121. 1991 Review of The King Site, Continuity and Contact in Sixteenth-Century Georgia, edited by Robert L. Blakely. 25(1):118-19. 1995 Review of Archaeology and Ethnohistory of the Omaha Indians: The Big Village Site, by John M. O’Shea and John Ludwickson. 29(2):116-17. - Scott, Elizabeth M.
1991 A Feminist Approach to Historical Archaeology: Eighteenth-Century Fur Trade Society at Michilimackinac. 25(4):42-53. 1995 Review of Structural Considerations of Metis Ethnicity: An Archaeological, Architectural, and Historical Study, by David V. Burley, Gayle A. Horsfall, and John D. Brandon. 29(2):119-21. - Seidel, John L.
1990 “China Glaze” Wares on Sites from the American Revolution: Pearlware before Wedgwood? 24(1):82-95. - Seifert, Donna J.
1988 Review of Sixteenth Century Maiolica Pottery in the Valley of Mexico, by Florence C. Lister and Robert H. Lister. 22(1):120-122. 1991 Gender in Historical Archaeology: Introduction. 25(4):1-5. 1991 Within Sight of the White House: The Archaeology of Working Women. 25(4):82-108. - Seifert, Donna J. (editor)
1991 Gender in Historical Archaeology. 25(4):1-155. - Shackel, Paul A.
1992 Modern Discipline: Its Historical Context in the Colonial Chesapeake. 26(3):73-84. 1993 Review of Experiencing the Past: On the Character of Archaeology, by Michael Shanks. 27(3):114-15. 1993 Review of Valuing Cultural Landscapes in the U.S.A., Britain, and Australia, by J. A. Russell. 27(1):127-29. 1994 Interdisciplinary Approaches to the Meanings and Uses of Material Goods in Lower Town Harpers Ferry. 28(4):3-15. 1994 Review of Uncommon Ground: Archaeology and Early African America, 1650-1800, by Leland Ferguson. 28(3):121-23. 1995 Terrible Saint: Changing Meanings of the John Brown Fort. 29(4):11-25. - Shackel, Paul A., and Barbara J. Little
Post-Processual Approaches to Meanings and Uses of Material Culture in Historical Archaeology. 26(3):5-11. - Simmons, Joe J., III
1988 Review of Postmedieval Boat and Ship Archaeology, edited by Carl Olaf Cederlund. 22(2):112-13. 1992 Replicating Fifteenth- and Sixteenth-Century Ordnance. 26(4):14-20. - Singleton, Theresa A.
1990 The Archaeology of the Plantation South: A Review of Approaches and Goals. 24(4):70-77. - Sivilich, Daniel M.
Analyzing Musket Balls to Interpret a Revolutionary War Site. 30(2):101-9. - Skowronek, Russell K.
1987 Ceramics and Commerce: The 1554 Flota Revisited. 21(2):101-11. 1992 Empire and Ceramics: The Changing Role of Illicit Trade in Spanish America. 26(1):109-18. - Skowronek, Russell K., and John W. Walker
1993 European Ceramics and the Elusive Cittie of Raleigh . 27(1):58-69. - Smith, Carlyle S.
1988 Review of Firearms of the American West, 1866-1894, by Louis A. Garavaglia and Charles G. Worman. 22(2):110-111. - Smith, Roger C.
1995 Review of The Wreck Diver’s Guide to Sailing Ship Artifacts of the 19th Century, by David Leigh Stone. 29(2):101. - Smith, Sheli O.
1995 Review of Hollandia Compendium: A Contribution to the History, Archaeology, Classification and Lexicography of a 150 fr. Dutch East Indiaman (1740-1750). 29(1):116. - Smith, Steven D.
1990 Review of Archaeological and Historical Investigations at the Old Forsyth Site (23TA41), Taney County, Missouri, by W. J. Bennett, Jr., and Jeffrey A. Blakely. 24(1):117-18. 1993 Review of Homeplace: The Social Use and Meaning of the Folk Dwelling in Southwestern North Carolina, by Michael Ann Williams. 27(3):121-22. 1995 Review of Archaeology, History, and Custer’s Last Battle, by Richard Allan Fox, Jr. 29(2):121-22. - South, Stanley
1988 Whither Pattern? 22(1):25-28. 1993 Review of The Archaeology of Spanish Colonialism in the Southeastern United States and the Caribbean, by Charles R. Ewen. 27(117). 1993 Strange Fruit: Historical Archaeology, 1972-1977. 27(1):15-18. - Spencer-Wood, Suzanne M.
1987 A Survey of Domestic Reform Movement Sites in Boston and Cambridge, Ca. 1865-1905. 21(2):7-36. 1995 Review of Historical Archaeology at the Hudson Poor Farm Cemetery, Hudson, Massachusetts, by Edward L. Bell. 29(1):100-102. - Speulda, Lou Ann
Review of Father Turnell’s Trash Pit: Klondike Gold Rush, by Catherine Holder Spude, Douglas D. Scott, Frank Norris, David R. Huelsbeck, Linda Scott Cummings, and Katharyn Puseman. 30(2):120-122. - Sprague, Roderick
1989 Review of A Study of Five Historic Cemeteries at Choke Canyon Reservoir, Live Oak and McMullen Counties, by Anne A. Fox. 23(1):131-33. - Sprinkle, John H., Jr.
1991 The Contents of Charles Cox’s Mill House Chest. 25(3):91-93. - Starbuck, David R.
1988 Review of Big House, Little House, Back House, Barn, The Connected Farm Buildings of New England, by Thomas C. Hubka. 22(1):114-15. - Staski, Edward
1990 Site Formation Processes at Fort Fillmore, New Mexico: First Interpretations. 24(3):79-90. - Staski, Edward, and Paul S. Johnston
Munition Artifacts from Fort Fillmore, New Mexico. 26(2):66-73. - Staski, Edward, and Joanne Reiter
Status and Adobe Quality at Fort Fillmore, New Mexico: Old Questions, New Techniques. 30(3):1-19. - Stevens, Willis
Review of Yorktown’s Captive Fleet, by John O. Sands. 21(2):125-26. - Stewart-Abernathy, Leslie C., and Barbara L. Ruff
1989 A Good Man in Israel: Zooarchaeology and Assimilation in Antebellum Washington, Arkansas. 23(2):96-112. - Stine, Linda F.
1990 Social Inequality and Turn-of-the-Century Farmsteads; Issues of Class, Status, Ethnicity, and Race. 24(4):37-49. 1994 Review of Back of the Big House: The Architecture of Plantation Slavery, by John Michael Vlach. 28(3):123-24. 1996 Review of Gender, Class, and Shelter: Perspectives in Vernacular Architecture, V, by Elizabeth Collins Cromley and Carter L. Hudgins. 30(2):122-24. - Stine, Linda F., Melanie A. Cabak, and Mark D. Groover
Blue Beads as African-American Cultural Symbols. 30(3):49-74. - Sullivan, Catherine
1994 Searching for Nineteenth-Century Florida Water Bottles. 28(1):78-98. - Sutherland, Max
1995 Memorial: John H. Rick, 1934-1993. 29(4):1-3.
- Tanner, Russel L.
1994 Review of Hard Places: Reading the Landscape of America’s Historic Mining Districts, by Richard V. Francaviglia. 28(3):127-28. - Thiessen, Thomas D.
1995 Review of The Meta Incognita Project: Contributions to Field Studies, by Stephen Alsford. 29(2):125-26. - Thomas, Brian W.
1994 Inclusion and Exclusion in the Moravian Settlement in North Carolina, 1770-1790. 28(3):15-29. - Thomas, William J., Nathan W. Bower, John W. Kantner, Marianne L. Stoller, and David H. Snow
An X-Ray Fluorescence-Pattern Recognition Analysis of Pottery from an Early Historic Hispanic Settlement Near Santa Fe, New Mexico. 26(2):24-36. - Thurman, Melburn D.
1989 Review of Atlas of the Lewis and Clark Expedition, edited by Gary E. Moulton. 23(1):120-121. 1996 Review of Historical Archaeology of the Modern World, by Charles E. Orser, Jr. 30(3):87-90. - Tidlow, Evelyn M.
1988 Review of Mortuary Variability, An Archaeological Investigation, by John M. O’Shea. 22(1):110-112. - Trubowitz, Neal L.
1995 Review of The Archaeology of the Clay Tobacco Pipe: XII. Chesapeake Bay, edited by Peter Davey and Dennis J. Pogue. 29(1):121-23. 1995 Review of Trade Ornament Usage Among the Native Peoples of Canada: A Source Book, by Karlis Karklins. 29(1):119-20. - Tuck, James A.
1987 Review of The Excavation of the Machault, an 18th-Century French Frigate, by Walter Zacharchuk and Peter J. A. Waddell. 21(2):127-29. 1993 Review of The Adams and Culbertson Sites, by Charles F. Wray, Martha L. Sempkowski, Lorraine P. Saunders, and Gian Carlo Cervone. 27(4):101-3. 1994 Review of Tram and Cameron: Two Early Contact Era Seneca Sites, by Charles F. Wray, Martha L. Sempowski, and Lorraine P. Saunders. 28(1):119-20. - Tumberg, Timothy
Review of Australia’s Age of Iron: History and Archaeology, by R. Ian Jack and Aedeen Cremin. 30(3):95-97.
- Upton, Dell
1996 Ethnicity, Authenticity, and Invented Traditions. 30(2):1-7.
- Veit, Richard F.
1996 Review of The History and Archaeology of the Montauk, edited by Gaynell Stone. 30(2):117-18. - Vernon, Richard
1988 17th Century Apalachee Colono-Ware as a Reflection of Demography, Economics, and Acculturation. 22(1):76-82. - Vrana, Kenneth J., and John R. Halsey
1992 Shipwreck Allocation and Management in Michigan: A Review of Theory and Practice. 26(4):81-96.
- Wake, Thomas A.
1995 Review of Whaling and Sealing Sites in South Australia, by Parry Kostoglou and Justin McCarthy. 21(1):112-14. - Wall, Diana de Zerega
1991 Sacred Dinners and Secular Teas: Constructing Domesticity in Mid-19th-Century New York. 25(4):69-81. - Walthall, John A.
1991 Faience in French Colonial Illinois. 25(1):80-105. - Wanser, Jeff
1995 Review of Archaeology of Prophetstown, Greenville, Ohio, 1805-1808, by Richard Green, Tony DeRegnaucourt, and Larry Hamilton. 29(4):107. 1995 Review of Early American Technology: Making and Doing Things from the Colonial Era to 1850, edited by Judith A. McGraw. 29(4):101-3. - Watters, David R.
1994 Mortuary Patterns of the Harney Site Slave Cemetery, Montserrat, in Caribbean Perspective. 28(3):56-73. - Weaver, Robert M.
1988 Review of Houses, by Ronald W. Brunskill. 22(1):117-18. 1988 Review of Recording Old Houses, by R. W. McDowwall. 22(1):117-18. - Weber, Carmen
1995 Review of The Kalaupapa Sweet Potato Farm: Report on Archaeological Data Recovery Operations, Kalaupapa Airport Improvement Project, Kalaupapa, Molokai, Hawai’i, Vols. 1 and 2, by Conrad (“Mac”) Goodwin. 29(4):98-100. - Wegars, Priscilla
1987 Review of The Chinese Laundry on Second Street: Papers on Archeology at the Woodland Opera House Site, by David L. Felton, Frank Lortie, Peter D. Schulz, and others. 21(1):113-15. 1988 Review of For Bitters Only, compiled by Carlyn Ring. 22(1):123-24. 1988 Review of For Bitters Only Up-Date and Price Guide, by Carlyn Ring and Sheldon Ray, Jr. 22(1):123-24. 1991 Who’s Been Workin’ on the Railroad?: An Examination of the Construction, Distribution, and Ethnic Origins of Domed Rock Ovens on Railroad-Related Sites. 25(1):37-65. - West, Barbara
1995 The Case of the Missing Victuals. 29(2):20-42. - Weymouth, John W.
1994 Review of Seeing Beneath the Soil: Prospecting Methods in Archaeology, by Anthony Clark. 28(1):112-13. - Whate, Ron
Review of The Ceramic Load of the “Witte Leeuw” (1613), edited by C. L. Van Der Pijl-Ketel. 21(2):130-131. - Whelan, Mary K.
1991 Gender and Historical Archaeology: Eastern Dakota Patterns in the 19th Century. 25(4):17-32. - White, John R.
1987 Review of Hopewell Furnace: A Guide to Hopewell Village National Historic Site, Pennsylvania, by National Park Service. 21(1):116-17. 1990 Review of The New England Glassworks: New Hampshire’s Boldest Experiment in Early Glassmaking, by David Starbuck. 24(1):120-121. - Wiant, Michael D.
1988 J. C. Harrington Medal in Historical Archaeology: Edward B. Jelks, 1988. 22(1):1-4. - Wilkie, Laurie A.
Glass-Knapping at a Louisiana Plantation: African-American Tools? 30(4):37-49. - Williams, Jack S.
1992 The Archaeology of Underdevelopment and the Military Frontier of Northern New Spain. 26(1):7-21. 1993 Review of From Spaniard to Creole: The Archaeology of Cultural Formation at Puerto Real, Haiti, by Charles R. Ewen. 27(3):118-19. 1995 Review of Disease, Depopulation, and Culture Change in Northwestern New Spain, 1518-1764, by Daniel T. Reef. 29(1):96-97. 1995 Review of The Rise of the Castle, by M. W. Thompson. 29(2):128-29. 1996 Review of Indian Population Decline: The Missions of Northwestern New Spain, 1687-1840, by Robert H. Jackson. 30(4):102-4. - Wilson, John S.
1990 We’ve Got Thousands of These: What Makes an Historic Farmstead Significant? 24(2):23-33. - Winer, Margot
1993 Review of The Archaeology and Ethnohistory of Fort Ross, California. Volume 1, Introduction, by Kent G. Lightfoot, Thomas Wake, and Ann M. Schiff. 27(3):127-28. - Winter, Susan E.
1994 Social Dynamics and Structure in Lower Town Harpers Ferry. 28(4):16-26. - Wittkofski, J. M.
1987 Review of The Meaders Family: North Georgia Potters, by Ralph Rinzler and Robert Sayers. 21(1):107-8. 1993 Review of Cushnoc: The History and Archaeology of Plymouth Colony Traders on the Kennebec, by Leon E. Cranmer. 27(4):103-4. 1995 Review of King’s Reach and 17th-Century Plantation Life, by Dennis J. Pogue. 29(1):102-3. - Woodward, Robyn P.
Review of Tidecraft: The Boats of South Carolina, Georgia, and Northeastern Florida, 1550-1950, by William C. Fleetwood, Jr. 30(2):110-111. - Wurst, LouAnn
1995 Review of The Archaeology of the Lincoln Pottery Works, by Christopher Schoen and Peter Bleed. 29(4):103-4. 1995 A Patch of Land Owned by the Company, by Stephen G. Warfel. 29(2):111-12. - Wylie, Alison
1993 Invented Lands/Discovered Pasts: The Westward Expansion of Myth and History. 27(4):1-19.
- Yentsch, Anne
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