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The following references are in alphabetical order by author name. To find references about a particular topic, use the “Find” command in your web browser. For most browsers this command is located under the “Edit” menu.


  • Naphan, Ed
    1972  Washoe City Soil and Site Description. Nevada Archaeologist 1(1):16-18.
  • Nassaney, Michael S., editor
    1998 Historical Archaoelogy in Battle Creek, Michigan: The 1996 Field Season at the Warren B. Shepard Site (20CA104) . Department of Anthropology, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo. Archaeological Report 20.
  • Nassaney, Michael E., and Eric S. Johnson, editors
    2000 Interpretation of Native North American Life: Material Contributions to Ethnohistory. University of Florida Press, Gainesville, and the Society for Historical Archaeology.
  • Neuenschwander, Herbert E.
    1958 Indian trails and villages of Dodge County, 1834 to 1837. The Wisconsin Archeologist 39(2):127-129.
  • Neumann, Thomas W., and Robert M. Sanford
    2001 Practicing Archaeology: A Training Manual for Cultural Resources Archaeology. Altamira Press, Walnut Creek, CA.
  • Nevell, Mike, and John Walker
    1998 Lands and Lordship in Tameside: Tameside in Transition, 1348-1642. Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council, Ashton-under-Lyne, Tameside, OL6 6DL, UK.
  • Nicks, Gertrude C.
    1969 The Archaeology of Two Hudson’s Bay Company Posts: Buckingham House (1792-1800) and Edmonton House (1810-1813). Master’s Thesis, University of Alberta, Edmonton.

    1970 Toward a Trait List for the North Saskatchewan River in the Late Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth Centuries. Western Canada Journal of Anthropology 1(2):35-53.

  • Noble, Vergil E.
    1977 Excavations at Fort Ouiatenon, 1977 Field Season. MSU Museum. East Lansing.

    1978 Submitted to Tippecanoe County Historical Association, Lafayette, Indiana.

    1979a Discovering Fort Ouiatenon, Its History and Archaeology. Tippecanoe Tales No. 6. Tippecanoe County Historical Association, Lafayette, Indiana.

    1979b Excavations at Fort Ouiatenon, 1978 Field Season. MSU Museum. East Lansing. Submitted to Tippecanoe County Historical Association, Lafayette, Indiana.

    1980 Excavations at Fort Ouiatenon, 1979 Field Season. MSU Museum. East Lansing. Submitted to Tippecanoe County Historical Association, Lafayette, Indiana.

    1982a Excavating Fort Ouiatenon, a French Fur Trading Post. Archaeology 35(2):71-73.

    1982b Excavations at Fort Ouiatenon, 1979 Field Season: Supplementary Report. MSU Museum, East Lansing.

    1982c (compiler and contributor), The Archeo-logi-cal Investigation of Fort Ouiatenon (1717-1791): Papers from the Symposium. MSU Museum, East Lansing.

    1983a In Dire Straits: Subsistence at Mackinac. The Michigan Archaeologist 29(3):29-48.

    1983b Fort Ouiatenon and the French Heritage in America. Michigan’s Habitant Heritage 4(4):69-72.

    1983c Functional Classification and Intra-Site Analysis in Historical Archaeology: A Case Study from Fort Ouiatenon. University Microfilms International, Ann Arbor.

    1984a Review of Brain: “Tunica Treasure”. Historical Archaeology 18(1):131-132.

    1984b Review of Williams and Shapiro: “A Search for the Eighteenth Century Village at Michilimackinac”. The Michigan Archaeologist 29(4):103-104.

    1984c Review of Hauser: “Jesuit Rings from Fort Michilimackinac and Other European Contact Sites”. The Michigan Archaeologist 29(4):103-104.

    1987a Review of Karklins: “Nottingham House: The Hudson’s Bay Company in Athabasca, 1802-1806”. Historical Archaeology 21(1):115-116.

    1987b Review of Allen: “Peter Fidler and Notting-ham House, Lake Athabasca, 1802-1806”. Historical Archaeology 21(1):115-116.

    1988 Review of Miville-Deschênes: “The Soldier Off Duty”. Historical Archaeology 22(2):92-93.

    1989a Review of Hamilton and Emery: “Eighteenth-Century Gunflints from Fort Michilimackinac and Other Colnial Sites”. Michigan Historical Review 15(1):105-106.

    1989b An Archeological Survey of Development Projects within Grand Portage National Monument, Cook County, Minnesota. MWAC Reports, NPS.

    1990a Review of Mason: “Rock Island”. Historical Archaeology 24(1):112-113.

    1990b A Report on Archeological Investigations within the Grand Portage Depot (21CK6), Grand Portage National Monument: The Kitchen Drainage Project. MWAC Reports, NPS.

    1991a Recent Archaeological Investigations at Grand Portage. Le Journal 7(2):8-10. Center for French Colonial Studies, Prairie du Rocher, Illinois.

    1991b Ouiatenon on the Ouabache: Archaeological Investigations at a Fur Trading Post on the Wabash River. In: French Colonial Archaeology: The Illinois Country and the Western Great Lakes (edited by J. A. Walthall), pp. 65-77. Univ. of Illinois Press, Urbana. 1991.

    1994 Trip Report – November 8-9, 1994. Memorandum [A2624 (MWAC)] to Assistant Regional Director, Archeology/Anthropology, Midwest Region, dated November 14, 1994. On file, Midwest Archeological Center, Lincoln, Nebraska.

    1995 Trip Report, Grand Portage, May 15-19, 1995. Memorandum [A2624 (MWAC)] to Acting Manager, Midwest Archeological Center, dated May 23, 1995. On file, Midwest Archeological Center, Lincoln, Nebraska.

    1995 Review of Brown, Eccles, and Heldman (editors): “The Fur Trade Revisited: Selected Papers of the Sixth North American Fur Trade Conference, Mackinac Island, Michigan, 1991”. American Antiquity 60:780-781. 1995.

    1997 Eighteenth-Century Ceramics from Fort de Chartres III. Illinois Archaeology 9(1-2):36-78.

  • Noble, Vergil E., and R. C. Goodwin
    1987 Identification of Ceramics from the Chalmette Unit, Jean Lafitte National Historic Park. R. C. Goodwin and Associates, New Orleans. Sub-mitted to NPS, Southeast Region.
  • Noble, William C.
    1973 The Excavation and Historical Identification of Rocky Mountain House. Canada Historic Sites: Occasional Papers in Archaeology and History 6:56-163. Ottawa.
  • Norton, Helen H.
    1990 An Inventory of Goods and Resources Marketed by Native Groups, Fort Nisqually, 1833-1849. Northwest Anthropological Research Notes 24(1):1-20.
  • Nystuen, David, and Carla G. Lindeman
    1969 The Excavation of Fort Renville: An Archaeological Report. Minnesota Historical Archaeology Series 2. Minnesota Historical Society, St. Paul.


  • O’Donovan, Maria (editor)
    2002 The Dynamics of Power. Southern Illinois University, Carbondale.
  • Oerichbauer, Edgar S.
    1982 Archaeological excavations at the site of a North West and XY Company wintering post (47-Bt-26): a progress report. The Wisconsin Archeologist (new series) 63(3):153-236.
  • Oglesby, R. E.
    1963 Manuel Lisa and the Opening of the Fur Trade. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press.
  • Oliphant, J. Oren
    1925 Old Fort Colville. Washington Historical Quarterly 16(1):29-40.
  • Orser, Charles E., Jr.
    2000 Introducción a la Arqueología Histórica. Asociación Amigos del Instituto Nacional de Antropología, Buenos Aires.

    1979 Ethnohistory, Analogy, and Historical Archaeology. The Conference on Historic Site Archaeology Papers 1978 13:1-24.

  • Orser, Charles E., Jr. (editor)
    2002 Encyclopedia of Historical Archaeology. Routledge, London and New York.
  • Oswalt, Wendell H.
    1980 Kolmakovskiy Redoubt. The Ethnology of a Russian Fort in Alaska. Monumenta Archaeologica 8, Institute of Archaeology, University of California, Los Angeles.
  • Outlaw, Alain Charles
    1975 Preliminary Excavation at the Mount Shepherd Pottery Site. The Conference on Historic Sites Archaeology Papers 1974 9:2-12.


  • Painter, Floyd
    1977 The Last of the Square-Rigged Windjammers. The Conference on Historic Site Archaeology Papers 1975 10:55-59.
  • Palmer, Harris A.
    1978 Search for the Battle of the Brule. The Wisconsin Archeologist (new series) 59(2):246-252.
  • Parker, James W.
    1979 Fort Jackson: A Non Traditional Frontier Fort. The Conference on Historic Site Archaeology Papers 1978 13:122-32.
  • Parks, Anna
    2003 Ferry Sites in Independence County. The Arkansas Archeologist 42: 45-78.
  • Pattison, Paul, editor
    1998There by Design: Field Archaeology in Parks and Gardens. BAR British Series 267, Archaeo-press, Oxford, England.
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    2004 Ban Wang Hai: Excavations of an Iron-Age Cemetery in Northern Thailand. University of Washington Press: Seattle.
  • Peeps, J. Calder
    1958 Fort Langley in Re-creation. The Beaver 289(#):30-39.
  • Peltier, Jerome A.
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  • Penman, John T.
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  • Penna, Maria-Teresa
    1999 L’archéologie historique aux États-Unis. Mini-stère de l’Éducation nationale de la Recherche et de la Technologie, Comité des travaux historiques et scientifiques (CTHS), Format 32, Paris.
  • Perry, Warren R.
    1999 Landscape Transformations and the Ar-chaeology of Impact: Social Disruption and State Formation in Southern Africa. Klewer Academic/Plenum Publishers, New York.
  • Pertulla, Timothy K.
    1997 The Caddo Nation: Archaeological and Ethnohistorical Perspectives. University of Texas Press, Austin.

    1999 Archaeological Investigations of Mexican-American War Battlefields and Related Sites in Texas. Part I: Introduction and Disscussion of Sites on the Palo Alto Battlefield. Journal of the Southern Texas Archaeological Association La Tierra 26(3):18-26.

    1999b Archaeological Investigations of Mexican-American War Battlefields and Related Sites in Texas. Part III: Sites Within the City of Brownsville. Journal of the Southern Texas Archaeological Association La Tierra 26(3):31-33.

  • Perttula, Timothy K., and Bo Nelson
    1999 Archaeological Investigations of Mexican-American War Battlefields and Related Sites in Texas. Part II: The Palo Alto House or Inn (41CF92-9), Also Known as the Taylor Tavern. Journal of the Southern Texas Archaeological Association La Tierra 26(3):27-30.
  • Peter, Duane E., Marsha Prior, Melissa M. Green, and Victoria G. Clow, editors
    2000 Freedman?s Cemetery: A Legacy of a Pioneer Black Community in Dallas, Texas (2 vols.). Texas Department of Transportation, Environmental Affairs Division, Archeology Studies Program, Report 21, and Geo-Marine, Inc., Special Publication No. 6. Austin, TX.
  • Peters, K.S., Elizabeth A. Comer and Roger E. Kelly (editors)
    1987 Captivating the Public Through the Media While Digging the Past. Technical Series No. 1. Center for Urban Archaeology, Baltimore.
  • Peterson, Eugene T.
    1962 Michilimackinac, Its History and Restoration. Mackinac Island: Mackinac Island State Park Commission.

    1963a Some 18th Century Clay Pipes Found at Mackinac. Michigan Archaeologist 9(1):1-11.

    1963b Clay Pipes: A Footnote to Mackinac’s History. Mackinac History Leaflet 1.

    1964 Gentlemen on the Frontier, a Pictorial Record of the Culture of Michilimackinac. Mackinac Island: Mackinac Island State Park Commission.

    1968 France at Mackinac 1715-1760. Mackinac Island State Park Commission. Mackinac Island, Michigan.

  • Peterson, Cynthia L.
    1997 The Sand Road Heritage Corridor, Johnson County, Iowa: Archaeology and History of Indian and Pioneer Settlement. Contract Completion Report 492. Office of the State Archaeologist, The Unitersity of Iowa, Iowa City. (The excavation of a small American Fur Company Post 1837-1839, probably the only fur trading post excavated in Iowa. Report deals with local fur trade context and the site itself.)
  • Peterson, Harold L.
    1956 Arms and Armour in Colonial America 1526-1783. The Stackpole Company, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.

    1958 American Knives. Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York.

    1964 American Indian Tomahawks. Heye Foundation, Museumof the American Indian, New York.

  • Peterson, John A., Stephen Mbutu, and Mark D. Willis, editors
    1998 The Union Plaza Downtown El Paso Development Project: Overview, Inventory and Recommendations. Anthropology Research Center, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, The University of Texas at El Paso, ARC Archaeological Technical Report, No. 17.
  • Pfeiffer, Michael A.
    1975 Smoking In Style at Fort Union Trading Post. Paper presented in the Anthropology Section, Nebraska Academy of Sciences, 18 April 1975. Manuscript on file, Midwest Archeological Center, National Park Service, Lincoln.

    1981a Clay Tobacco Pipes From Spokane House and Fort Colvile. Northwest Anthropological Research Notes 15(2):221-235.

    1981b Notes on Unusual Clay Tobacco Pipes Found in Seattle. Historical Archaeology 15(1):109-12.

    1982a The Clay Pipes. In: Kanaka Village/Vancouver Barracks, 1975. Reports in Highway Archaeology No. 7:113-127. Office of Public Archaeology, Institute of Environmental Studies, University of Washington, Seattle.

    1982b Clay Tobacco Pipes and the Fur Trade of the Pacific Northwest and Northern Plains. M.A. Thesis, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, University of Idaho, Moscow.

    1983a Clay Tobacco Pipes from Hudson’s Bay Company’s Bellevue Farm, San Juan Island, Washington (45-SJ-295). In: The Archaeology of the Clay Tobacco Pipe VIII. America. British Archaeological Reports, International Series 175:162-183.

    1983b The Tobacco-Related Artifact Assemblage from the Martinez Adobe, Pinole, California. In: The Archaeology of the Clay Tobacco Pipe VIII. America. British Archaeological Reports, International Series 175:185-194.

    1983c Clay Tobacco Pipes From Five Archaeological Sites in Nebraska. Historic Clay Tobacco Pipe Studies 2:39-47.

    1983d W. White Pipes From the Foote House Dump, 10 AA 96. Historic Clay Tobacco Pipe Studies 2:48

    1983e Clay Tobacco Pipes From the Town of Lillooet, British Columbia. Historic Clay Tobacco Pipe Studies 2:61-68.

    1983f Book Review of “Northhampton Clay Tobacco Pipes and Pipemakers” by W.R.G. Moore. Historic Clay Tobacco Pipe Studies 2:75-76.

    1984 Book Review of “The Archaeology of the Clay Tobacco Pipe II, The United States of America.” edited by Peter Davey. Historical Archaeology 18(1):124-125.

    1985 Tobacco. In: Archaeological Investigations at the Cabinet Landing Site (10BR413), Bonner County, Idaho. By Landreth Keith, Keo Borenson, and Mary Condon. Eastern Washington University Reports in Archaeology and History Number 100-45, pp 114,116-120, Archaeological and Historical Services, Cheney, Washington.

    1986a Tobacco Pipes from the Arrowtown Chinese Settlement, Central Otago, New Zealand. Historic Clay Tobacco Pipe Studies 3:79-88.

    1986b Book Review of “Augustin: The European Picture Book of Clay Pipes”., Vols 1 & 2. Historic Clay Tobacco Pipe Studies 3:135-136.

    1989 Clay Tobacco Pipes. In: Curation Manual for the Archaeological Collection from 45 SA 11, North Bonneville, Washington. Topel, Katherine Anne (Ed.) Heritage Research Associates Report No. 81:89-91. Heritage Research Associates, Inc., Eugene.

    1994 Review of The Problem of History. History Line:15-16. Winter 1994 Issue. USDA Forest Service, Washington, D.C.

    1995 The Manganese Mill (3PL342). In: Archeological Investigations in the Southern Ouachita Mountains: Excavations at the Shady Lake Recreation Area and Vicinity. AAS Project 856 Final Report pp. 77-83. Arkansas Archeological Survey, Sponsored Research Program, Fayetteville.

    1995 Review of “Continuing Cultural Resource Management at Calvert Mine: 1993 Historic Site Testing”, Robertson County, Texas, by Jeff Turpin, Dan K. Utley, and Caroline A. Medlar. Historical Archaeology 29(4):107-108.

    1996 Review of “Martin Frobisher’s Northwest Venture, 1576-1581; Mines, Minerals & Metallurgy”. Canadian Museum of Civilization, Mercury Series, Directorate, Paper 7, by D. D. Hogarth, P. W. Boreham, and J. G. Mitchell, 1994. Historical Archaeology 30(2):114-115.

    1996 Review of “The Complete Horseshoeing Guide” (second edition), by Robert F. Wiseman. University of Oklahoma Press. Historical Archaeology 30(3):97-98.

    1996 Review of “Iolo’s First Book of Crossbows” by David R. Watson. Privately Printed, Austin, Texas. Historical Archaeology 30(3):100-101.

    1996 Review of “A History of the Timucua Indians and Missions”. By John H. Hann. University Press of Florida, Gainesville, 1996. Southeastern Archaeology 15(2):263-264.

    1998 Clay Tobacco Pipes from 3MN383, Blaylock Creek Site. In: Archeological Investigation at The Epperson Farmstead Site, 3MN383, Historic Component. By Roger E. Coleman. Ouachita National Forest, Hot Springs, Arkansas. pp.59-60.

    1998 Clay Tobacco Pipes from the Fontenelle Site. In: Jensen, Richard E., The Fontenelle & Cabanne Trading Posts. The History and Archaeology of Two Missouri River Sites 1822-1838. pp. 143-160. Nebraska State Historical Society, Lincoln.

    1998 Review of “John Taber and John Taber Jr., Two New England Clay Tobacco Pipe Makers: A Family History and Illustrated Catalogue”. By S. Paul Jung Jr. Privately Published, Bel Air, Maryland. Historical Archaeology 32(2):106-107

    1999 The Manganese Mill (3PL342). In Excavations in the Shady Lake Recreation Area and Vicinity, 1992-1993, Ouachita National Forest, Hester A. Davis, editor. Arkansas Archaeologist 38:25-29.

  • Pfeiffer, Michael A., and Roderick Sprague
    1982 Archaeological Tests and Monitoring at Fort Lapwai, July 1982. Laboratory of Anthropology, University of Idaho, Letter Report, No. 82-9. Moscow.
  • Pinkerton, Robert E.
    1931 Hudson’s Bay Company. New York, Henry Holt and Company.
  • Polhemus, Richard Rowand
    1975 Cherokee Structure Change. The Conference on Historic Sites Archaeology Papers 1973, edited by 8:139-54. Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC.
  • Praetzellis, Adrian
    2003 Dug to Death: a Tale of Archaeological Method and Mayhem. Altamira Press: New York.
  • Price, Cynthia R., and James E. Price
    1978 Pioneer Settlement and Subsistence on the Ozark Border: Preliminary Report on the Widow Harris Cabin Site Project. The Conference on Historic Site Archaeology Papers 1977 12:145-69.
  • Pyszczyk, Heinz W.
    1985 The Role of Material Culture in the Structure of Fur Trade Society. In Status, Structure and Stratification: Current Archaeological Reconstructions, edited by M. Thompson, M.T. Garcia and F. Kense, pp.399-406. The Archaeological Association of the University of Calgary, Calgary.

    1987 Consumption and Ethnicity: An example from the Fur Trade in Western Canada. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 8:213-249.



  • Rafferty, Kevin
    1993  A Cultural Resource Inventory and Evaluation of the Las Vegas to Bullfrog Stage Road in the Amargosa Valley, Nye County, Nevada. Nevada Archaeologist 11:41-59.
  • Randall, Mark E.
    1971 Early Marbles. Historical Archaeology 5:102-105.
  • Randall, Mark E.
    1979 Marbles as Historical Artifacts. Marble Collectors Society of the America, Trumball, CT.
  • Ray, Arthur J.
    1974 Indians in the Fur Trade: Their Role as Hunters, Trappers and Middlemen in the Lands Southwest of Hudson’s Bay 1660-1870. University of Toronto Press, Toronto.
  • Read, William A.
    2003 Florida Place Names of Indian Origin and Seminole Personal Names. University of Alabama Press: Chicago.
  • Redknap, Mark (editor)
    1997 Artefacts from Wrecks: Dated Assemblages from the Late Middle Ages to the Industrial Revolution. Oxbow Monograph 84, Oxbow Books, Shropshire, England.
  • Redmond, Elsa M., editor
    1998 Chiefdoms and Chieftancy in the Americas. University Press of Florida, Gainesville.
  • Reid, Andrew M., and Paul J.Lane
    2004 African Historical Archaeologies. Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, New York, NY.
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    1976 Clay Pipes in the Upper Great Lakes: The Ermatinger Assemblage. Northeast Historical Archaeology 5(1-2):1-11.

    1977 Mansion in the Wilderness: The Archaeology of The Ermatinger House. Research Report 10. Ontario Ministry of Culture and Recreation, Ottawa.

    1980 Northern Ontario Fur Trade Archaeology: Recent Research. Archaeological Research Report 12. Historical Planning and Research Branch, Ontario Ministry of Culture and Recreation, Toronto.

  • Reno, Ramona L. and Ronald L. Reno
    1989  The Historic Cemetary at Silver City, Nevada: Recording Methods and Initial Findings. Nevada Archaeologist 7(1):14-28.
  • Reno, Ronald L.
    1991  Historic Aboriginal Use of Pahute Mesa. Nevada Archaeologist 9:26-36.
  • Rich, E. E.
    1966 Montreal and the Fur Trade. McGill University Press, Montreal.

    1967 The Fur Trade and the Northwest to 1857. Toronto, McCelland and Stewart.

  • Riley, Carroll L.
    1999 The Kachina and the Cross: Indians and Spaniards in the Early Southwest. University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City.
  • Riordan, Timothy B. and William H. Adams
    1980 Economic Interaction. pp. 315-36. Waverly Plantation: Ethnoarchaeology of a Tenant Farming Community. edited by William H. Adams, National Technical Information Service.

    1980 Dating the Archaeological Sites. pp. 587-93. Waverly Plantation: Ethnoarchaeology of a Tenant Farming Community. edited by William H. Adams, National Technical Information Service.

    1985 Commodity flows and national market access. Historical Archaeology 19(2):5-18.

  • Riordan, Timothy B., William H. Adams, and Betty J. Belanus
    1980 Methods. pp. 39-50. Waverly Plantation: Ethnoarchaeology of a Tenant Farming Community. edited by William H. Adams, National Technical Information Service.

    1980 Industrial Sites. pp. 237-62. Waverly Plantation: Ethnoarchaeology of a Tenant Farming Community. edited by William H. Adams, National Technical Information Service.

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  • Ross, Lester A.
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    1975 Luxury in the Wilderness. Clark County History 16:45.

    1976 Fort Vancouver, 1829-1860: A Historical Archeological Investigation of the Goods Imported and Manufactured by the Hudson’s Bay Company. Ms., Fort Vancouver National Historic Site, Vancouver, WA.

    1977 Transfer Printed Spodeware Imported by the Hudson’s Bay Company: Temporal Markers for the Northwest United States, ca. 1836-1853. Northwest Anthropological Research Notes 11(2):192-217.

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    1990 Trade Beads from Hudson’s Bay Company Fort Vancouver (1829-1860), Vancouver, Washington. Beads 2:29-67.

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    2001 Historical Archaeology in Iowa: A Retrospective. Journal of the Iowa Archaeological Society 48:15-30.
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  • Ross, John
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  • Rusch, Lynn A.
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  • Russel, Carl P.
    1967 Firearms, Traps, and Tools of the Mountain Men. Alfred A. Knoph, New York.


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  • Sanoja, Mario and Iraida Vargas-Arenas
    2002 El Agua y el Poder: Caracas y la Formación del Estado Colonial Caraqueño: 1567-1700. Banco Central de Venezuela.
  • Sauer, Sandra R.
    1995 The O’Keefe Ranch: An Archaeological Perspective. Master’s Thesis. Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, B.C.
  • Schaefer, Richard G.
    1998 A Typology of Seventeenth-Century Dutch Ceramics and its Implications for American Historical Archaeology. BAR International Series 702, John and Erica Hedges, Oxford, England.
  • Schávelzon, Daniel
    2000 The Historical Archaeology of Buenos Aires: A City at the End of the World. Klewer Academic/Plenum Publishers, New York.
  • Schiffer, Michael B.
    2003 Draw the Lightening Down: Benjamin Franklin and Electrical Technology in the Age of Enlightenment. University of California Press: Berkeley.

    2002 Behavioral Archaeology. Reprinted edition with new introduction. Percheron Press/Eliot Werner Publications, Clifton Corners, NY.

  • Schiffer, Michael Brian, with Andrea R. Miller
    1999 The Material Life of Human Beings: Artifacts, Behavior, and Communication. Routledge, New York.
  • Schlesser, Norman D.
    1975 Hudson’s Bay Company Fort Umpqua, 1836-1853. Northwest Anthropological Research Notes 9(1):70-86.
  • Schofield, John, William Gray Johnson, and Colleen M. Beck (edsitors)
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  • Schultz, Susan
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  • Schuyler, Robert L.
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    1977a Final Reply to Dollar. The Conference on Historic Site Archaeology Papers 1975 10:124-27.

    1977b Parallels in the Rise of the Various Subfields of Historical Archaeology. The Conference on Historic Site Archaeology Papers 1975 10:2-10.

    1977c The Spoken Word, the Written Word, Observed Behavior and Preserved Behavior: the Contexts Available to the Archaeologist. The Conference on Historic Site Archaeology Papers 1975 10:99-120.

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  • Scott, Douglas D., P. Willey, and Melissa A. Connor
    1998 They Died with Custer: Soldiers’ Bones from the Battle of the Little Bighorn. University of Oklahoma Press, Norman.

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  • Seuer, Daniel Mark
    1981 Archaeology of the Grignon Hotel Site (47-Wn-162). Historic Preservation Division, State Historical Society of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin.
  • Seymour, Deni J.
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    2007d Apache, Spanish, and Protohistoric Archaeology on Fort Bliss. Conservation Division, Directorate of Environ ment, Fort Bliss. Lone Mountain Report 560-005. With Tim Church

    2008a  Surfing Behind The Wave: A Counterpoint Discussion Relating To “A Ranchería In the Gran Apachería.” Plains Anthropologist, Spring 2008.

    2008b  Delicate Diplomacy on a Restless Frontier: Seventeenth-Century Sobaípuri Social and Economic Relations in Northwestern New Spain, Part II. New Mexico Historical Review, Volume 83, No. 2.

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    2008f A Pledge of Peace: Evidence of the Cochise-Howard Treaty Campsite. Historical Archaeology 42(4):154-179. With George Robertson.

    2008g Apache Plain and Other Plainwares on Apache Sites in the Southern Southwest. In “Serendipity: Papers in Honor of Frances Joan Mathien,” edited by R.N. Wiseman, T.C O’Laughlin, C.T. Snow and C. Travis, pp 163-186. Papers of the Archaeological Society of New Mexico No. 34. Archaeological Society of New Mexico, Albuquerque.

    2008h Surfing Behind The Wave: A Counterpoint Discussion Relating To “A Ranchería In the Gran Apachería.” Plains Anthropologist 53(206):241-262.   

    2008i Delicate Diplomacy on a Restless Frontier: Seventeenth-Century Sobaípuri Social and Economic Relations in Northwestern New Spain, Part II. New Mexico Historical Review Volume 83, No. 2:171–199.

    2009a Father Kino’s ‘Neat Little House and Church’ at Guevavi. Journal of the Southwest 51(2):285-316.

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    2009c Evaluating Eyewitness Accounts of Native Peoples along the Coronado Trail from the International Border to Cibola. New Mexico Historical Review 84(3):399-435.

    2009d Distinctive Places, Suitable Spaces: Conceptualizing Mobile Group Occupational Duration and Landscape Use. International Journal of Historical Archaeology 13(3):255-281.

    2009e Nineteenth-Century Apache Wickiups: Historically Documented Models for Archaeological Signatures of the Dwellings of Mobile People. Antiquity 83(319):157-164 [March].

    2009f The Canutillo Complex: Evidence of Protohistoric Mobile Occupants in the Southern Southwest. Kiva 74(4):421-446.

    2009g Comments on Genetic Data Relating to Athapaskan Migrations: Implications of the Malhi et al. Study for The Apache and Navajo. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 139(3):281-283.

    2009h Manso Tipis and Other Non Sequiturs Relating to the Protohistoric Southwest. Proceedings of the 2007 Jornada Mogollon Conference, El Paso.

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    2010b Cycles of Renewal, Transportable Assets: Aspects of Ancestral Apache Housing. Plains Anthropologist (Spring or Summer issue)

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