If You’re a Student in Leicester!
Every SHA annual conference has programming of interest to and specifically geared towards students. Leicester will be no different. Here are some of the coming conference offerings students might want to highlight.
Globalisation, Immigration, Transformation: the 2013 Plenary Session
(Wednesday January 9th 6-8pm)
Students arriving in Leicester for the opening day of the conference will find the Plenary Session a place where SHA membership comes together across research interests and affiliations. The session panel will focus on case studies and moderators will facilitate a broad exploration of the conference themes.
Navigating the Field: Education and Employment in a Changing Job Market
(Thursday January 10th 8:30-10:30)
Cosponsored by the APTC Student Subcommittee and ACUA, this session is Part I of II and will focus specifically on student concerns. Panelists from both underwater and terrestrial backgrounds will address what is arguably the most pressing issue on many students’ minds—jobs. Whether you seek a job in the United States, Europe or elsewhere, panelists will offer their perspective on how education matches up with the changing job market.
Past Presidents’ Student Reception
(Thursday, January 10th, 4:30pm- 6:00pm)
Students are invited to join SHA past presidents for an informal reception. This is a great opportunity to connect with leaders in the organization. A free drink and snacks will be provided.
Equity (Issues) for All, Historical Archaeology as a Profession in the 21st Century
(Friday January 11th 9-12:30)
Part II of these sessions on professional issues, this symposium will address concerns of gumptious academic and cultural resource management archaeologists. Senior managers and tenured professors from across the US and UK comprise the panel. This will be an opportunity to engage upper management and tenured faculty in discussions of how to address current equity issues in the workplace, the barriers they faced rising in the ranks, and how they got to where they are today.
SHA Business Meeting
(Friday January 11th 5-6pm)
The SHA Business Meeting will be open to all members, students included. The organization welcomes and encourages student participation.
Academic and Professional Training Committee (APTC) Student Subcommittee (SSC) Meeting
(Saturday January 12th 12:30-1:30)
The Academic and Professional Training Committee’s Student Subcommittee is run by and focused on SHA student members. As a formal platform for the interests and voices of students, it is a great way for them to contribute, develop professional skills and increase visibility. The SSC provides opportunities for students to participate in the organization at a variety of commitment levels. Committee members organize sessions, are student liaisons to other committees, and contribute to the blog and newsletter. During the meeting, students will learn about ongoing activities and have the chance to get involved. Students participating in the SSC drive activities for the upcoming year and develop new projects. (Please note the midday time slot.)
Rap Session for Student Members
(Saturday January 12 1:30-5pm)
Sponsored by the Student Subcommittee, the informal format of the RAP session will allow students to hang out and discuss issues of import to them. Panelists are archaeologists at all stages in their career, both underwater and terrestrial. The popularity of this session grows each year and will be a great way to sum up any conference experience.
If you are a student attending the annual meeting in Leicester, please email the SSC chair, Jenna Coplin. If you cannot attend the committee meeting, but are interested in learning more about the SSC or keeping up with SSC goings-on throughout the year, email Jenna to be added to the student list serv. Also, be sure to follow the hashtag #SSC on Twitter throughout the conference (along with the #SHA2013 tag!) for student-specific tweets and messages!
In addition to these sessions, check out Emma Dwyer’s blog post about trips and tours of Leicester offered through the SHA.