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Dear Colleagues,
The following books are available for review. If any of them pique your interest do let me know.
Rich Veit–SHA Book Reviews Editor
All the King’s Horses: Essays on the Impact of Looting and the Illicit Antiquities Trade on Our Knowledge of the Past
Paula K. Lazrus and Alex W. Barker, eds.
The SAA Press, The Society of American Archaeology, Washington D.C.,
2012. 168 pp., index. $24.95 regular price, $19.95 SAA member discount price.
Archaeological Sites: Conservation and Management
Sharon Sullivan and Richard Mackay, eds.
The Getty Conservation Institute, Los Angeles, California,
2013. 736 pp. $70.00 cloth.
Becoming White Clay: A History and Archaeology of Jicarilla Apache Enclavement
B. Sunday Eiselt
The University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City, Utah,
2012. 320 pp., 23 B&W Illus., 31 line drawings, index. $45.00 cloth, $56.00 eBook.
Bijoux de pacotille ou objets de piété? Les bagues dites “jésuites” revisitées à partir des collections archéologiques du Québec
Caroline Mercier
Cahier d’archéologie du CELAT, Quebec, Canada,
2012. 87 figs., 16 tables.
Clanricards Castle: Portumna House, Co. Galway
Jane Fenlon, ed.
Four Courts Press, Portland, Oregon,
2012. 192 pp., glossary, bibl., index. $65.00 cloth.
Curating Human Remains: Caring for the Dead in the United Kingdom
Myra Giesen, ed.
The Boydell Press, Woodbridge,
2013. 197 pp., 22 figs., 2 tables, index. $99.00.
Custer, Cody, and Grand Duke Alexis: Historical Archaeology of the Royal Buffalo Hunt
Douglas D. Scott, Peter Bleed, and Stephen Damm
University of Oklahoma Press, Norman, Oklahoma,
2013. 232 pp., 63 B&W Illus., 2 maps, index. $24.95 cloth.
Duncluce Castle: History and Archaeology
Colin Breen
Four Courts Press, Portland, Oregon,
2012. 246 pp., full-color illus., 6 tables, glossary, bibl., index. €19.95 catalogue price, €17.95 web price.
Hawaii’s Past in a World of Pacific Islands
James M. Bayman and Thomas S. Dye
The SAA Press, The Society for American Archaeology, Washington D.C.,
2013. 29 figs., 5 tables, glossary, bibl., index. $24.95 regular price, $19.95 member discount price.
Historical and Archaeological Perspectives on Gender Transformations: From Private to Public
Suzanne M. Spencer-Wood, ed.
Springer, New York, New York,
2013. 430 pp., 66 illus., 16 illus. in color, index. $179.00 eBook, $229.00 hardcover.
Interpreting the English Village
Mick Aston and Chris Gerrard
Windgather Press, Oxbow Books, Oxford,
2013. 456 pp., 257 figs., bibl., index. $49.95 cloth.
Lightning in the Andes and Mesoamerica: Pre-Columbian, Colonial, and Contemporary Perspectives
John E. Staller and Brian Stross
Oxford University Press, New York, New York,
2013. 278 pp., 57 illus., 8 pp. color insert, index. $74.00 hardback.
Old Myths and New Approaches: Interpreting Ancient Religious Sites in Southeast Asia
Alexandra Haendel, ed.
Monash University Publishing
2012. 312 pp., $49.95 cloth.
Soils, Climate & Society: Archaeological Investigations in Ancient America
John D. Wingard and Sue Eileen Hayes, eds.
University Press of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado,
2013. 272 pp., 34 figs., 29 tables, list of contributors, index. $70.00.
Tales of Gotham, Historical Archaeology, Ethnohistory, and Microhistory of New York City
Meta F. Janowitz and Diane Dallal, eds.
Springer, New York, New York,
2013. 369 pp., 58 illus., 26 illus. in color. $139.00 eBook, $179.00 hardcover.
The Archaeology of the Prussian Crusade: Holy War and Colonisation
Alexander Pluskowski
Routledge, New York, New York,
2012. 427 pp., 85 figs., glossary, bibl.,index, $48.95 cloth.
The Cherokees of Tuckaleechee Cove
Jon Marcoux
The University of Michigan Museum of Anthropology Publications, Ann Arbor, Michigan,
2012. 296 pp., 136 figs., 60 tables, $33.00.
Uncovering History: Archaeological Investigations at the Little Bighorn
Douglas D. Scott
University of Oklahoma Press, Norman, Oklahoma,
2013. 272 pp., 53 B&W Illus., 1 map, $32.95 cloth.