Fall 2013 SHA Newsletter
The Fall 2013 SHA Newsletter is now on its way to members. Of particular note…
The 2013 Spring edition of the SHA Newsletter is now wending its way via mail to SHA members who receive the print version. Digital subscribers have had access for the last week. Content highlights this issue include the print version of the 2014 Québec City call for papers, and a summary of the 2013 SHA awards from Terry Majewski. There are also submissions from Student subcommittee, the Public Education and Interpretation Committee about the 2013 Leicester conference, and from the Governmental Affairs Committee on the work being undertaken on SHA’s behalf in lobbying the US Congress.
The regular Current Research and Images of the Past features have a particularly international flavor this issue, with Images of the Past touching on the roots of historical archaeology in Brazil, while Current Research includes articles on work in Austria, Sweden, the United Kingdom, Argentina and – demonstrating just how global historical is in both practice and themes – the Pacific island nation of Vanuatu. There are also plenty of current research contributions from the United States and Canada, so no one need feel left out.
The deadline for submissions to the summer issue is the 1st of June. If you have some news about current research you’d like to share with SHA’s increasingly global membership, consider getting in touch with your regional coordinator (see the Newsletter for contact details), who’ll be happy to help. Or if you have opinions about issues pertinent to historical archaeology you’d like to include in the Opinion and Debate section, please feel free to contact the Editor directly – I’ll likewise be happy to offer guidance on appropriate submissions.
Are you interested in receiving the SHA Newsletter? Anyone can access previous versions of the newsletter in the Newsletter Archive, but only SHA members can receive the most current issue. Join the SHA here, and get your newsletter before everyone else!