New UNP-SHA Publication and Author Perspective
Submitted by Rebecca Allen Environmental Science Associates (ESA), Cultural Resources Director SHA Associate Editor In…
Congress’ summer recess is underway! August is a great time to invite federal, state and local lawmakers to visit sites and projects, and to learn about the importance of cultural heritage education and preservation. It is also a chance for us to advocate for SHPO/THPO offices, social sciences funding, and NHPA’s Section 106 and upcoming 50th anniversary in 2016.
This summer, SHA is holding its first annual Invite Your Lawmakers Day on August 20, 2014. Please invite lawmakers – and the press – to visit nearby sites and digs, and learn why archaeology matters.
We have prepared a sample email to use if you are asked to submit a written request:
* * *
Dear Representative ___________/Senator ___________,
I am your constituent, and I would like to invite you to [visit my site, come see my facility] on August 20, 2014, which the Society for Historical Archaeology (SHA) has designated as its first annual Invite Your Lawmaker Day.
I own/work for [company/school name]. My company does ____[describe your firm or department in 1 sentence]_____. [Company name] employs __[X]__ number of people in the district/ state.
I am an active member of SHA, the largest organization in the world dedicated to the archaeological study of the modern world and the third largest anthropological organization in the United States. Members come from a dozen countries, and most are professional archaeologists who teach, work in museums or consulting firms, or have government posts. The SHA and its members strongly support the protection of cultural and historical resources and sites around the nation.
I hope that you will be able to visit on August 20. If you have any questions or would prefer a different date, please reach me at ___[provide best method for contacting you]___. Thank you.
Best regards,
[Your signature block]* * *
A 1-pager about SHA to hand out during lawmaker visits is available at:
If you missed Cultural Heritage Partners’ webinar providing tips and guidance for summer recess visits, the slides are available at: