Fort McHenry Public Archaeology Day at SHA 2012
For the last two years, I have been lucky enough to bring my family along…
Good afternoon SHA members! We hope this post finds you taking a much needed break from the field or lab!
As you may know from our previous post, July 24th was the international Day of Archaeology (#dayofarch), virtually hosted by the Day of Archaeology Project! To reiterate, the Day of Archaeology Project encourages the archaeological community to celebrate and promote archaeology on a global scale, via social media.
For the past few years, D.C. has participated in #dayofarch, hosted by Archaeology in the Community (AITC). This year, the D.C. Day of Archaeology festival was held at the historic Dumbarton House, in Georgetown, and had a wonderful turnout of D.C., Maryland, and Virginia organizations, firms, and school departments. #dayofarch participants and volunteers set up displays, games, exercises as well as coordinated visits to the local Yarrow Mamout Archaeological Project, in order to celebrate and promote archaeology in the D.C. area. Please check out AITC’sFacebook for photos of the event!
If you are curious about other participants in #dayofarch, run a search on #dayofarch via Facebook, Twitter, and/or Instagram. Anyone who posted to the hashtag “#dayofarch” will pop up in a search on one of these social media outlets. Or, visit the Day of Archaeology Project website for all of the #dayofarch blog posts- from around the world-here!
And, if you are curious about past #dayofarch contributions, check out this awesome map, depicting the growth of the Project since 2011! Hover over your region/country/city of choice and see what contributions were posted!
Hope you join #dayofarch, next year!