SHA 2013: Accommodation in Leicester
Following on from our guide for delegates travelling to the SHA conference in Leicester in…
SHA 2013: 46th Annual Conference on Historical and Underwater Archaeology
University of Leicester, Leicester, United Kingdom
January 9–12, 2013
The Call for Papers for the SHA conference in Leicester, UK, opened at the beginning of May, and session proposals have already started to roll in.
All of the information you need to put together a proposal for a symposium, paper, or poster, is in the Call for Papers, which can be downloaded from the conference webpage, and there is a short summary in this blog post from March. Proposals can be submitted electronically here. The deadline for all submissions is 10th July 2012. Last month we featured some of the symposium proposals that are already doing the rounds, and we will feature more of them on this blog later this week. If you would like to advertise your session proposal on this blog, do get in touch. You can also post information about your session on the conference Facebook page, and tweet using the hashtag #SHA2013.
Booking your travel to Leicester and accommodation in the city early is the best way to find good deals; the SHA 2013 conference committee has put together guides to travelling to Leicester and places to stay when you get here; all of this information is available to download from the conference webpage.
We’re looking forward to seeing you all in Leicester in January!