Minority Postdoctoral Fellow
New Job Posted
Description of the Position: Western Kentucky University is seeking applicants for two (2) nine-month, full-time, one-year fellowships, each with the potential for a second year. This is a university-wide search. The Department of Folk Studies and Anthropology at WKU would like to particularly encourage minority candidates from anthropology to apply for these fellowships. Eligible candidates are those who have completed or will complete their doctoral degrees between August 15, 2017 and August 15, 2018. Per the university administration, eligible candidates include those in the following IPEDS race and ethnicity categories: African American/Black, Hispanic/Latinx, Native American/ Native Alaskan, Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander, or those of bi/multi-racial identity.
The following items must be submitted online by January 12, 2018, although expressions of interest may be considered until the position is filled: letter of intent, curriculum vitae, and unofficial transcripts. Names and contact information of three reference providers will be collected during the application process. Reference letters will be requested through an online process at a later date.
Because we are not directly involved in the application or search process, we ask that candidates in anthropology notify us upon application so that we can communicate our support for anthropology candidates with the search committee. Should an anthropologist be selected for a fellowship, our expectation is that the fellow will have both teaching and research responsibilities, the latter of which may encompass academic or applied work and ideally would involve engagement with anthropology students.
The Anthropology Program in the Department of Folk Studies and Anthropology offers an undergraduate major and minor with about 80-100 students. Our program emphasizes holistic, four-field training and experiential learning to prepare students for careers and graduate programs in anthropology and related fields. Anthropology majors complete one of four concentrations in cultural anthropology, biological anthropology, archaeology, and cultural resource management. The program is delivered by four full-time, tenure-eligible faculty and part-time instructors. Program resources include the Anthropology Lab, with extensive teaching and research collections and equipment, and the Ethnographic Video Production Lab, with audio-video recording and editing equipment.
Name of Hiring Contact: Dr. Darlene Applegate, Head, Department of Folk Studies and Anthropology
Address: 1906 College Heights Blvd #61029, Bowling Green, KY 42101-1029
Web Address: www.wku.edu/fsa and wku.interviewexchange.com/jobofferdetails.jsp?JOBID=90603
Email Address: darlene.applegate@wku.edu
Phone / Fax: 270-745-5898 / 270-745-6889
Geographic Area: open
Submit Resume To:
Bowling Green, Other (if outside USA or Canada) 42101-1029