What’s the Most Interesting Thing You Found? Thinking about How Archaeologists Communicate with the Public
by M. Jay StottmanIt is the oldest and most basic form of public archaeology, but…
Historical archaeologists are the ones who most frequently come into contact with burials from the African American past. From the First African Burial Ground in NYC to community cemeteries around the country, historical archaeologists have time and time again been brought in to deal with human remains when developers discover an unmarked burial ground on their project site. That is why the SHA developed and presented guidance on abandoned burial grounds on our website, and why we have promoted and sponsored legislation to provide documentation of African American burial grounds and training and support to their communities. We are very pleased to announce that the African American Burial Grounds Network Act has been introduced in the House of Representatives by Rep. Alma Adams (NC) and Rep. Donald McEachin (VA). We encourage you to reach out to your Congressional representatives and voice your support of this legislation.