Dear Colleagues: I am writing to you at a challenging time for historical archaeology. As you know, the Society for Historical Archaeology is an international organization dedicated to promoting scholarly…
Finding Federal Climate Heritage
  By Marcy Rockman, Lifting Rocks Climate and Heritage Consulting, for the SHA Climate Heritage Initiative In 2012, as the Obama administration was stepping up its attention to climate change, I…
Invisibility Cloaks Do Not Protect
  By Marcy Rockman, Lifting Rocks Climate and Heritage Consulting, for the SHA Climate Heritage Initiative Last week’s White House-led freeze on US federal funding has been halted - for now.…
Look for the Helpers
  By Marcy Rockman, Lifting Rocks Climate and Heritage Consulting, for the SHA Climate Heritage Initiative To start- if you’ve lost your home in a wildfire and it held cremains that…
Welcome to Micro-Climate!

Welcome to Micro-Climate!

By Marcy Rockman, Lifting Rocks Climate and Heritage Consulting, for the SHA Climate Heritage Initiative Welcome to Micro-Climate, the new small-size climate blog series from the Society for Historical Archaeology! This…