Posted On: 05/01/2018

Dear SHA Members,

The Call for Papers for the SHA 2019 Conference on Historical and Underwater Archaeology is now open for abstract submissions.   The SHA 2019 Conference will be held January 9-12, 2019 in St. Charles, Missouri.  The online abstract submission period runs from May 1, 2018 to June 30, 2018.

The Call for Papers is included in the spring issue of the SHA Newsletter and can be found on the SHA website at

To submit your abstract, please go to and create a new user account by clicking on the “Register New” link under the green Account Log In bar.  Please take a few minutes to review the attached “SHA 2019 Abstract Submission – Tips and Guidelines,” which provides step-by-step instructions for submitting an abstract for the SHA 2019 Conference.

Questions on submitting an abstract for the 2019 Conference should be directed to the Program Chair at or to the SHA Headquarters staff at

Steve Dasovich
SHA 2019 Conference Chair