Posted On: 10/25/2019

Good morning,

All presenters, discussants, and forum panelists at the SHA 2020 Conference in Boston must register for the conference by November 1, 2019 or you will be dropped from the conference program. 

To register for the conference, please go to and log in using the user name and password that you created when you submitted your abstract.  If you did not submit an abstract, just click on the "Create account and register for the conference"  link on the ConfTool homepage, create a profile, and proceed to register.

The 2020 Conference program can be accessed at  The link is right above the green Account Login bar.

For anyone not presenting at the 2020 Conference, the advance registration deadline is December 1, 2019.  After December 1, registration rates will increase.  Online registration closes on December 15, 2019. 

If you need assistance with registering for the SHA 2020 Conference on Historical and Underwater Archaeology or have any questions, please contact SHA Headquarters at or 301-972-9684.