Posted On: 10/17/2019

Dear Members,

The deadline for applications for the IFR Undergraduate Travel Awards for the SHA 2020 Conference has been extended to October 28, 2019. 

The Institute for Field Research is offering two $500 awards to undergraduate students to attend the Society for Historical Archaeology’s annual conference. Students are not required to present a paper or poster, but they should be members of the SHA and register for the conference by the time of the conference. The winners will participate in a dinner with members of the Institute for Field Research board.

To be considered, students should submit a brief statement of a page or less that outlines their interest in historical archaeology and indicates, why they would like to attend the conference, and what they see as the value of participation in the conference. The statements will be evaluated by an SHA Undergraduate Conference Travel Award panel constituted by the President.

Applications are due to Mark Warner (mwarner@uidaho,edu) by October 28, 2019.​