[PAN-38] Ethics Bowl
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[PAN-92] My Research in a Nutshell
Powered by Pecha Kucha
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- [PAN-38] Ethics Bowl
- [PAN-92] My Research in a Nutshell - A Student Activity Powered by Pecha Kucha
- [PAN-106] Rap Session for Student Members
- [PAN-149] Reaching Out: Public Archaeology for Students and New Graduates
[PAN-38] Ethics Bowl
Welcome to the SHA’s first Ethics Bowl! This year in Quebec, sponsored by the APTC Student Subcommittee and aided by the Ethics Committee, students are welcome to participate in a challenging event. Students in terrestrial and underwater archaeology will take on case studies relevant to ethical issues that they may encounter in their careers. Teams will be scored on clarity, depth, focus, and judgment in their responses. The bowl is intended to foster both good-natured competition and camaraderie between students from many different backgrounds and universities. Students pursuing undergraduate or graduate degrees are encouraged to register in teams of four, however individual students are also encouraged to register and will be placed into teams by the organizers. For more information, please email or visit the SHA Meeting website at www.sha2014.comCome join us! All are encouraged to attend this public event and cheer on the teams and student representatives.
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[PAN-92] My Research in a Nutshell - A Student Activity Powered by Pecha Kucha

Pecha Kucha is an interesting platform since it allows for the presentation of one’s research in a concise format and in an environment meant to be less formal than regular sessions. Indeed, presenters can introduce research whatever its state: the topic, a literature review, methodology, preliminary results, etc. Additionally, not only is Pecha Kucha a perfect medium for dissemination, but it is also a great time to collaboratively brainstorm as it is followed with a period of interaction with the audience!
We invite all interested students and young professionals to register to the “My research in a nutshell – Powered by Pecha Kucha” session organised for the 2014 SHA conference to be held in Quebec City, Canada. Whatever your topic and the state of your research you are more than welcome to present it and discuss it with others. Remember that you do not need results to present in our version of the Pecha Kucha! Registration is simple: send your name, affiliation and the title/topic of your presentation (no need for an abstract) to Acceptation will be based on a first-come first-served basis so do not wait too long!
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[PAN-106] Rap Session for Student Members
[PAN-149] Reaching Out: Public Archaeology for Students and New Graduates