The 2014 ACUA George Fischer Student Travel Award
The 2014 ACUA George Fischer Student Travel Award will be granted to an international student presenting a paper on an underwater or maritime archaeology topic. To be eligible for this $1,000 (USD) award, students must be enrolled, and in good academic standing, in a graduate degree program. Preference is given to students residing or studying in a country other than the country where the conference is being held.Click to download
Student Paper Prize
The prize will be awarded to a student, or students, whose written version of a conference paper is judged superior in the areas of originality, research merit, clarity of presentation, professionalism, and of potential relevance to a considerable segment of the archaeological community. One prize will be awarded: The winning author(s) will receive a book prize consisting of titles donated by the many presses and organizations exhibiting in the SHA Conference Book Room (totaling almost $1,500 worth of items in 2013) and a letter of recognition from the SHA President. The winning author (s) will be encouraged to submit his or her paper to be reviewed for possible publication in Historical Archaeology. The results of the competition will be communicated to the entrants prior to the meeting and the winner will be announced at the annual business meeting.Click to download
Ed and Judy Jelks Student Travel Awards
Students presenting a paper at the 2014 SHA conference in Québec should consider applying for the Ed and Judy Jelks Student Travel Award. Two $500 awards will be presented to students who are presenting a paper or poster or participating in a symposium at the conference. Click to downloadQuébec City Award
The Quebec City Award is granted to assist French-speaking students to attend the annual meeting and to promote their participation in Society activities. The cash prize is for the amount of interest accrued annually on the initial endowment, and not to exceed $750.Click to download
2014 Gender and Minority Affairs Student Travel Award (GMAC)
The Gender and Minority Affairs Committee (GMAC) is sponsoring two travel awards to graduate students who are presenting at the 2014 annual meeting in Québec City, Canada. Each award provides a prize of $500 to defray travel costs. Applicants must be currently enrolled in a graduate program, be a member of the SHA, and be presenting a paper or poster at the conference. The goals of the fellowship are to increase diversity and to encourage student involvement at the meetings. Diversity is inclusive of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, abilities, and socio-economic background. Applications are encouraged from diverse populations.Click to download

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2014 ACUA George Fischer Student Travel Award
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Student Paper Prize Guidelines
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Ed and Judy Jelks
Student Travel Awards
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Québec City Award Guidelines
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2014 Gender and Minority Affairs Student Travel Award (GMAC)