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Historical archaeology is a diverse discipline with investigations in both terrestrial and underwater contexts. This page is dedicated to sharing information about these projects.

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New College Public Archaeology Lab
Organization: Virtual Landscapes; Tragedy and Survival of 19th-Century Florida Gulf Coast Maroons
Region: Africa
Website's Intended Audience: : lay public
Era: : 19th Century
Cultures associated: : African Diaspora
West Point Foundry Archaeology Project
Organization: , Industrial Heritage and Archaeology, Department of Social Sciences, Michigan Technological University
Era: : 19th Century, 20th Century
Cultures associated: : European, European American
Topics associated: : Battlefield, Commerce, Domestic, Industrial, Logging/Lumbering, Mining, Urban, Work Camp
Comments: The West Point Foundry (1818-1912) began operating as a munitions contractor making cannon and shot. The foundry grew to employ hundreds of workers manufacturing a wide array of weaponry and ordinance, steam engines, water wheels, iron clad sailing ships, architectural elements, domestic stoves and ovens, and innumerable other cast iron objects. The foundry's prominent owners were among the first industrialists to employ "vertically integrated" production, where they controlled every aspect of manufacture from extracting raw ore to marketing their finished products.