Applications Now Being Accepted for the SHA 2022 Scholarship Program
The SHA Scholarship Fund
The purpose of the SHA Scholarship Program is to provide funding for students, who are current SHA members, to attend a field school and/or to conduct dissertation research/fieldwork.
Field School Scholarships: This program will place priority on awarding scholarships for students to participate in field schools that provide instruction in Historical Archaeology and archaeological field methods. April 15 deadline for applications.
Dissertation Research Scholarship: This program will place priority on awarding scholarships for students needing to travel or conduct research to complete their dissertation in Historical Archaeology. May 15 deadline for applications.
The scholarship application process will be announced annually.
Committee Information
A committee will be formed within SHA to review applications each year and decide on awardees.
The scholarship application process will be held each year that the Society receives the ear-marked contribution from the donor.
Each year, the committee will identify the number of scholarships that will be awarded as well as the amount granted - depending on the funds available.
Applications will be submitted in the spring for both programs. All applications will be vetted and the top candidates will be interviewed via zoom.
Applicants will be informed that if they receive financial aid at their university their eligibility for various other sources of aid may be affected upon receipt of a scholarship. They will be encouraged to consult with their university’s financial aid office before applying.
Applications for both the 2022 SHA Field School Scholarship and the 2022 SHA Dissertation Research and Travel Scholarship are attached to this email.