Voting in the SHA/ACUA 2019 Election Opens Tomorrow
Good morning,
Voting in the 2019 SHA/ACUA election opens tomorrow. You will receive an email tomorrow morning with your link to the ballot. Voting will close on Thursday, October 31, 2019.
You will be asked to cast your vote for SHA President-Elect, SHA Secretary, two members of the SHA Board of Directors, two at-large members of the SHA Nominations and Elections Committee, and three members of the Advisory Council on Underwater Archaeology's Board of Directors.
Candidate statements were printed in the summer issue of the SHA Newsletter and are available on the SHA website at
If you do not receive an email with your ballot link tomorrow, please check your spam folder or contact the SHA Headquarters at for assistance.
With best regards,
J. W. Joseph
SHA Past President
Chair, Nominations and Elections Committee